Has anyone else been contacted by the BBC?

by Amelia Ashton 2 Replies latest social current

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    About 9 months ago cantleave did a brilliant interview on the radio. I know many responded to it by writing to them and it seems like they are now responding and I wondered who else has had a reply in the last couple of days regarding being interviewed?

  • wobble

    Is this a BBC local station Amelia ? if so, I made it plain where I live, so they would probably not contact me, although I said I was available for any help they needed with research.

    I hope some sort of programme comes out of this, I know that Emma (?) who did the one about the young man being DF'd was aware that a bigger story, than just his sad plight, was out there.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    There are 5 of us that have been contacted by the BBC so far

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