I have the will - just wish I had the means and opportunity to be able to convert jws.

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Yes, I think it would be fine for all jws to be converted.

    No! Not to another religion.


    Converted into pet food or garden compost. That way they could achieve something useful by their existence.

    Cheeses. Whose love for the brothers is sometimes manifested in unusual but always helpful ways.

  • Alfred

    whatever you're smoking... don't share it with anyone just yet...

  • wobble

    I see this thread is supposed to be somewhat jocular, and I have never been known for undue levity, rather the opposite, I have been accused frequently of taking nothing seriously.

    But when I saw the thread title it occured to me how I have changed over the years.

    When I first walked away from the WT I felt it was my mission and duty to wake up as many members as I could, and if possible to bring down the corrupt lying WT.

    The latter I realised was beyond me, even in concert with many other XJW's.

    The former I found to be almost imposible, unless the person was ready to jump ship.

    I have come to the conclusion that some, like the older members of my family, are better off left in the cult, they would not handle life outside, much as some criminals cannot handle life outside of the prison regime.

    More often than not I now hold my tongue when in contact with JW's, it is not worth my emotional investment trying to convert them.

    I can see though, Holey Cheeses, the merit of your case , at least for a good number of Dubs, that they would do more good if converted in to fertilizer.

    After all they are nearly there, they are full of S**T !

  • punkofnice

    ....then who would clean my windows?

  • transhuman68

    Amen to that, brothers!

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    You have reached a very sensible realisation.

    "When I first walked away from the WT I felt it was my mission and duty to wake up as many members as I could, and if possible to bring down the corrupt lying WT.

    The latter I realised was beyond me, even in concert with many other XJW's.

    The former I found to be almost imposible, unless the person was ready to jump ship.

    I have come to the conclusion that some, like the older members of my family, are better off left in the cult, they would not handle life outside, much as some criminals cannot handle life outside of the prison regime."

    Most jws deserve to be such, and so garner no sympathy from me as to what may befall them.

    Cheeses. Accepting reality does make life a little more purposeful.

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