How long do JWs visit before giving up?

by skeeter1 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    It's like, how many people does it take to screw in a lightbulb.....

    So, I dropped by someone's house last weekend This person was raised in the Watchtower cult, and has been around it for several decades. Nice person, but not active in the meetings, never in service, and never baptised, etc. Rarely goes to the meetings - perhaps once every 2 months. In private life, is not a JW-like person. Doesn't do bad things, but associates with worldly people and parties hard and goes gambling every week. However, no Christmas tree...but always expects a present.

    On several occassions, the JWs come by to see this person. I have run into the JWs there a handful of times. In the past, they wanted to talk with me. They didn't know that I am an apostate. This time, they conveniently left when I showed up, so me thinks the host told them that I have issues with the JWs.

    It's obvious that the JWs are just there to pressure guilt this person back into regularly attending meetings. They are playing all nice and smiley, you know how the cult recruiting goes. They are your best friend, as long as you agree with the cult's leadership. This relationship is so conditional, it's not funny. The minute someone questions the current teachings or past mistakes, the relationship will chill. The minute one publicly disagrees, it will be elder counseling. The minute one disagrees, these "best" friends will run for the hills and never look at the person. JWs manipulate the hell out of people.

    I ususally never say a thing other then hello and tell them my full name (perhaps they will figure out who I am..but not) when I run into this car group. The female that I've seen is one of those overbearing women.

    To the host, I have spoken generally about cults, but the host never makes the connection that the JWs are a cult. I have gone through the BITE model to identify a cult- but no lightbulbs are ever on. This person knows that I think the JWs are a cult, but "clings on" to them.

    So, last weekend I decided to mention the Australian criminal indictment charges to the host. I mentioned that the Watchtower has refused to comply with a simple background check. Guess what the host said? "All religions have pedophiles in it." To which I replied, "That's true, but the Watchtower is the only one refusing to comply with a simple background check for its elders and ministers, and the Catholics and Baptists have complied with this law."

    I let it all drop after that. I can see that whatever I say, the host is going to stick up for JWs. Just like those women and children stick up for Mormon polygamist Warren Jeffs.

    But, this JW car group visits the host for a decade, plus, trying to get a regular study & recruit. When will they give up? It's like they are just waiting for the host to be weak, so they can pounce their cult (along with the rules and paranoia) onto my friend.


  • punkofnice
    How long do JWs visit before giving up?

    Depends on how desparate they are to count the time, return visit and potential 'door step bible study'.

  • Borgia

    It's like they are just waiting for the host to be weak

    That sounds very parasite - isch to me .... a little broad spectrum antibiotics would not hurt, I suppose



  • WontLeave

    Mine came by for about 4 visits and then stopped. I guess I wasn't "progressing", since I would refute their adoption of the Catholic magisterium concept. I said I knew they had a crazy doctrine they were hiding, because all evangelical cults do. Scientology does, Mormonism does, and Jehovah's Witnesses do (but they didn't know I already knew what it was).

    I pressed them for their "crazy doctrine" for several visits, until I finally had to feign revelation via a Wikipedia article about JWs. I printed it out and highlighted pertinent parts about their human leadership. I asked them if what the article said was true, but they wouldn't read it; the woman wouldn't even touch it, as though it would burn her hand.

    This gave me an excuse to know about the GB. I asked them if they'd ever read the Bible, and if so how they could possibly come away with human leadership for Christianity. Of course, they pulled out Acts, which I pointed out actually refuted an elite, central "Jerusalem council" if they would read it instead of reading Watchtowers that told them what it said.

    I buried them in scriptures about rejecting human understanding and following men. Of course, JWs don't see the GB as "men" talking; they see the GB as "God" talking. The guy actually seemed like a fairly intelligent man and pretty familiar with Scripture, yet watching him shut that down over this topic was amazing. I could see the lights switch off when he went into Watchtower-recitation mode. Suddenly, he wasn't passionate, animated, knowledgeable, or intelligent. He turned into a mindless drone. Since I'd already impressed the lady with my Bible knowledge on previous occasions, she actually tried the "Who did you get your Bible knowledge from?" line on me, then realized I wasn't a long-time study or baptism candidate. Every word became a familiar, tired Watchtower quote, as their minds were disconnected and the cult programming took over and they became visibly angry, when I rejected their real god, the Governing Body.

  • NY23brown

    Okay, so this sounds like a similar question I posted yesterday. So far, the JWs have stopped by our home twice trying to recruit my husband (a longtime ex-JW) back into returning to Kingdom Hall. I feel they have been casing out my house, as one asked my husband where the white car went in our yard (I had recently purchased a new car) so now there was a new color car in our driveway. The nerve of these people, they are relentless. On their second visit, they told my husband he must be depressed, mentioned his mother several times (she is behind these visits), and that he could always come back to Kingdom Hall. They mentioned many of my husband's old acquaintainces (remember "Jon" who was your age?)... I went to the door, asked them if my husband's mother was behind this particular visit, and they immediately went back to their car and drove off! At what point, can you have them arrested for trespassing and harrassment? I'm sick of them trying to lure my husband away from his wife and children just because his parents are "unhappy". Ugh!

  • GLTirebiter

    If they have even a glimmer of hope, they will keep coming by. You must be the broken record: "I'm not interested"..."Thank you, but I'm not interested"..."Please don't bother, because I'm not interested". Most Witnesses, not all, have enough sense that they eventually get the message. But one little slip, giving a little ray of hope by talking, debating with them, or taking a magazine, and it's as if you offered a permanent invitation for return visits. Unless that's what you want, never engage with them--and that's the problem your friend has: having been involved, and because he goes to an occassional meeting, he's near the top of the prospect list, and it takes persistence to get off of it (barring a juicy JC, which doesn't seem likely in this case).

  • skeeter1

    This host always gives a glimmer of hope - and says, "I'll see you tomorrow at the meeting." Whether the host attends or not, is the question.

    NY23brown - you bet your bottom dollar the JW mother is behind this. Has your husband looked at general books about cults and their techniques. I strongly suggest that you get the books by Steve Hassan and read a chapter or two by yourself and then with him.

    Both me and my spouse got the visits from local elders & sisters - trying to independently recruit either of us (both of us were raised in the "Truth"). It was my parents that were behind it. After about 4 visits, each kindly telling the brothers and sisters that we weren't interested...we had to tell them to "stop coming to visit, do not call" before they would finally take the hint.


  • ssn587

    I'mjust waiting to see when or if I get a visit told several of them 2 MS for sure that i wont be going back to their hall for a variety of reasons one being the total lack of support we have gotten. No visits no calls nada, zip zero zilch. Told them we wont go to their hall anymore and wont visit another one for some time.

  • skeeter1

    SSN, they'll have a glimmer of hope just before the Memorial! Even though you were very upfront that you would have nothing to do with them. LOL.


  • ssn587

    Glimmer my rear there is no way I am going to atttend a nonevent again, that is over.

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