Survey - How many in Medical Field??

by lydia 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    Just curiosity here..

    How many of us here are in the Medical field? I seem to find alot of us are or were at some point. So I thought a survey would be in order.

    Also, If you are in a medical field - Why did you choose it??

    I was a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, and also an Ememrgency Medical Technitian...Because I wanted to help others get better from accidents and injuries with crafts - A favorite thing with me - and then I got interested in the Emergency part of the helping too...

    What about you??


  • larc


    You mentioned why you went into the medical field - you wanted to help others. You might want to change the title of your thread to, How many went into a helping profession?

    I am a retired college professor, who taught psychology, so I would consider myself as part of the helping professions, though not in the medical field.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    individuals wife puts up hand - me! me!

    Currently I am a nursing auxiliary in my local hospital and loving every minute of it. Moving on in September to start university to become a 'real' nurse - can't wait. I could never of dreamt of doing this when I was a JW, all that about 'putting the Kingdom first' always meant that what I REALLY wanted to do - nurse - was put on the back burner. I always felt that medical professions were discouraged in the JWs because of the unsocial hours, having to miss meetings etc, and because of the blood issue. I can only think of one JW who was involved in a caring professions and sometimes used to miss meetings due to night shifts, she was thought of as spiritually weak because of this.

    My point of view now is - it is better to try and help people in this world NOW by giving them care, attention and treatment rather than sit around talking about when God will put things right. I believe that actions speak louder than words.

  • Lindy

    I like Larc's question. Who are in the helping professions?

    I am now in my third semester for social work. I always wanted to go to college and do this, but back then college was an absolute no-no. You "helped" people come into the "Truth" instead. So here I am at 53 pusuing my dream after having "drifted" away from the Society starting years ago. Took me three years to get over my fears of being a nontraditional student, but I did it, and I wouldn't change it for anything. It has been the best thing I could have done.

    I wonder how many people who come into the WTBTS have the desire to help people, and that is why they are caught up in it? Saving peoples lost lives, for everlasting lives in the new system, could be a powerful motivation if you stongly beleive in it.

    When I think back on it, many of the JW's who did have a career, or who volunteered before JWdom, did so in helping professions. Hmmmm.


  • wonderwoman77

    HI there Lydia...I am in the medical field as well. I am in my second year of getting my masters degree in occupational therapy. Where are you a COTA at? I love occupational therapy? What made you want to do it? I had a cousin that had cerebral palsy and I saw a therapist with him and thought it was amazing. I began to volunteer and then worked as a therapy tech. I loved it and it felt right and now i am in school for it and almost done....:)

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I am a pharmacist.

  • Wren

    I'll post to the survey here as I have not mentioned it before. I'm a nurse. The majority of my time was spent in psychiatric and D.D.(mentally and/or physically handicapped) areas. I've taken a break due to a family business but plan on getting back in soon. There are several nurses and/or student nurse(s) on this board.

  • Mindchild

    I guess you could say that I have some connection to the medical field. I do research in astrobiology and chronobiology even though my degree is in Geophysics. I plan on doing some research into life extension in the future.


  • DanielHaase

    Hey there..I'm a Registered Nurse here in the states. I mainly work in child/adolescent psych.

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