lots of info you gave me

by jerome 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • jerome

    i am not an ex-jw but there organisaton is affecting my life

    before i started to inspect this organisation that they called the

    truth my gf would tell me about the nasty things that her mother

    would say about me when she never even met me

    when i finally did meet her she shook my hand and had a nice smile on
    her face and told me to get home safe.

    After i left my gf told me that she started to insult me so much that
    even her brother had to step in and ask why she was behaving this

    way. My mother on the other hand had not a bad word to say when she

    met or even before she met my gf.

    Now i find out its because i am not one of Jehovahs chosen people.

    Her mother is disfelloshipped by the way, i dont know for what though

    but she still goes to the kh and my gf says her mother still believes
    everything the watchtower teaches...

    There is a post that asks if someone that came here and still became

    a jw eventhough they read through the threads here it is unlikely the
    way you talk about them that someone

    may think that there is something to the jw and that you are

    persecuting them for His name sake, people are funny that way.

    NO jw i know would admit that any of the expectations that they had

    for the the end of the world was a false prophesy they call it a


    one thing that gets me is how someone could be Gods channel of

    communication and not be a prophet? and how they could say this about
    C.t. russel


    he made no claim of a special revelation from God

    proclaimers p 707 [second paragraph]


    what do you call the people that speak in Gods name?

    how do you know that God sent them?

    what if they dont pass the test?

    well i'm glad that message boards like this exist

    to inform people of things that they did and still claim to be Gods

    sole channel of communication on this earth in these "last days".

    i now know a lot about what they did wrong but its what they do right
    that can fool people.

    2 cor 11:14-15

    how would you sum up the watchtower in just a few words

    not only bad words because they are not all bad [even though my gfs

    mother must think me so wordly] so what would you say in just a few

    word to describe the wtchtower. what are the good and bad fruits of

    this sole channel of communication of God to man on earth.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    yeild it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • butalbee


  • jerome

    what i really mean by this post is

    who can you sum up the evil of the watchtower in a few sentenses.

    my jw friends and formes friends that stopped speaking to me

    always speak of the hyprocrsy of other churches and ask how orthodox

    christianity can allow people to remain a part of their church and

    condem anyone else.

    i asked a similar question in a previous post and never found it back.

    well i do believe that the governing body are false prophets and are

    not from GOD ALMIGHTY but claim to be Gods sole channel of


    Well i can show them the false prophets/prophecies but what about the fruits of

    the false prophet.


    What bad fruits of this false prophet do you have to share?


    the bible is a two edged sword
    yeild it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • butalbee

    Bad fruits???????????
    Well...I've got some moldy strawberries in refrig, and overripe banana's on my counter, oh, and a mushy cantelope that I should probably throw away before it <EXPLODES>.

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