I have good news (not of the Kingdom, lol)

by Knowsnothing 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Knowsnothing

    Seriously. A good development in my life is happening now.

    I have the opportunity to stand up for myself, let myself be heard. I still believe in the Bible and I already know that Matthew 24:45-47 is a big misapplication of scripture.

    I spoke with my mom today and let her know I am currently researching certain topics such as the 144,000, and 607 BC (which appeared in the Daily Text today). She thought it is great I am taking an interest in studying the Bible again (haven't done so seriously for a while).

    In the conversation somehow also came up the Faithful and Discreet Slave. That one is really easy to refute. She showed me the Study WT April 15, 2011 which has the article "Do we recognize the medium God uses to guide us?" (I am translating from Spanish, so sue me).

    On page 4, under the subtitle "Let's recognize the medium God uses to guide us today", it says "He (Jesus) has delegated part of his authority in the faithful slave, the group of anointed christians of our days. And they name superintendents to take care of the congregation. (Matthew 24:45-47, Titus 1:5-9)."

    It was so simple to refute. I simply pointed out right there and then that Jesus delegates his authority to all the anointed christians, for that is who the slave is, according to WT. So according to the first sentence, Jesus gives his authority not just to the GB, but to all anointed christians.

    Once I am done establishing that point, I move on to the next one sentence, which is a clear contradiction of the previous sentence, albeit a subtle one. The sentence says they (the faithful slave) names superintendents!

    Here is where I clear it up for her. Anointed brothers that are not part of the GB have no say in naming superintendents! So obviously, even though Jesus gives authority to the faithful slave, which again is composed of all the anointed christians,only the GB names superintendents!

    I made it clear to her that the slave, as is being constantly described in the Watchtower as being all the anointed on Earth, doesn't hold up to scrutiny. The ones that make 1.) all the decisions, 2.) feed the domestics, 3.) have been "given all authority" are nothing more than the GB.

    The other anointed don't contribute didly squat. So how do they fit the description at Matthew 24? They simply don't.

    I know this subject has been brought up many times, but it's important to me because I was starting to make her reason! I explained in a cool and calm fashion, and she simply said take it up with one of the elders. Lol

    So I also wanted to ask you, which Watchtower is the one that speaks of the anointed not having any special privileges or special insights?

    Even if I don't completely get through, at least I can defend where I stand, and I don't have to parrot crap I don't believe in anymore.

  • RagingBull

    yeah. Not supposed to make a big deal of the "annointed" ones. Only the GB gets that glory. LOL Most annointed bros, I've known (only 3 all my life) barely ever gave talks. Only one was ever an elder.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    A couple articles come to mind.

    2/15/09 "They Keep Following the Lamb"


    6/15/09 "The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body"

    Both are incredibly blasphemous, IMO.

  • Knowsnothing

    Hey Mad, thanks. Yeah, I was looking in the CD Rom and found them. I was also about the article that says that the anointed "shine like the bright of day" but only in preaching.

    That's the article I'm really looking for.

    Edited to add: Found it! July 15, 2010. "Holy Spirit reveals deep things of God."

    I think I will be well armed now...

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