One World Religion Takes Hold in America

by garyneal 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal

    I'd figured I'd let you guys take a gander at this article and critique it. Interested in some comments here...

    One World Religion Takes Hold in America

    For just a day, clergy of all three faiths will read the Old and New Testaments as well as the Koran, together.

    Father Pat Earl, pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Charlotte, North Carolina said it was a “good thing for the church” and told Catholic News Service that it was good to “publicly recognize the existence of Islam.”

    President of Interfaith Alliance, Rev. C. Welton Gaddy, asked churches to get involved to make a statement about pluralism and religious freedom.

    Gaddy said:

    “We’re calling upon congregations to say by means of their actions, ‘We come from different traditions, hold different beliefs and engage in different rituals in our churches, mosques and synagogues, have different beliefs yet emphasize religious freedom and search for answers to life’s questions through our respective faiths.’”

    He believes the interfaith event will change American’s opinion of Islam.

    “It will send a message that Americans respect Muslims and Islam, as they respect religious differences and freedom of religion in general,” he said.

  • garyneal

    What? No takers?

    Oh well, I thought surely someone would have something to say about the author's personal comments concerning this event.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's just more PC over Islam to make people feel good about themselves. It's not going to stop the Taliban from wanting to convert the world to their brand of Islam.

    PS. Timing of when you post a thread is important if you want lots of replies or none. Now that you've brought it back to the top of the pile it should receive more replies.

  • Pika_Chu

    All 3 faiths? They're like, a couple hundred religions short. I'm still waiting for people to realise atheism is a legitamate worldview as well.

    Anyway, is religious tolerance and one-world-governent the same thing? I'm not so sure you can convince the fundamentalists that interfaith is okay. Even if countries will adopt official religions, or there will be some kind of world-wide adoption, I still think you'll have your fundies holding bible study in homes, or someone getting tragically beheaded because they broke some kind of god's law, or people reading books. The die-hard religious will sneak around and defy government, if they just believe their preferred god really wants them to.

  • garyneal

    Well, the undertone of the comments to that article was suggesting that anything that smacks of a one world religion (and a one world government) is going to usher in the tribulation leading up to the rapture.

    You're right pikachu, faiths outside the big 3 are not even being considered. So much for one unifying religion.

  • garyneal

    BP, concerning my timing. Yeah, I realize that I seem to get on after everyone else falls asleep. I'm just too busy during the day, oh well.

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