All cults thrive when information is scarce. The opposite is true as well / Mormon example

by vivalavida 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • vivalavida

    Hi all,

    Just read this interesting article about how the Internet or, better said, the abundance of information facilitated by the Internet has helped not only JWs but also members of other cults, like the Mormons, to be able to make "informed" decisions when leaving the faith.

    Here is the link: Why I chucked my mormon faith and became an atheist

    You comments are welcome!


  • wobble

    Thanks for posting Viva,

    Ted's story mirrors the experience of so many on here, just one thing that really bothers you, you Google it, and Hey Presto ! loads of info, sites, and internet friends pop up to help you.

    The information that is now available at the click of a mouse will be the downfall of cults like the WT and the LDS , as well as many religions.

    Perhaps we are entering in to an age that will become known in the future as "The True Enlightenment."

  • vivalavida

    "The True Enlightment", that sounds good and I do agree with you. Alvin Toffler in his book "Revolutionary Wealth" argues that knowledge not only enlightens but, actually, makes society richer. So, we are not only better off mentally and spiritually because of more knowledge and information, we are wealthier!


  • ziddina


    Thanks for postng this!!

    Have any of you noticed how many "Mother, Artist, Mormon" advertisements show up on these pages?? Not to mention on YouTube - every time I log on, it seems that some "I'm an engineer, a blackbelt - AND a MORMON!" video is featured at the top ot the 'suggestions' video list...

    Kudos to those who leave!!

  • ziddina

    Bumpin' da thread...

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