Atheist believe in aliens but not God?

by StopTheTears 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • StopTheTears

    If you are a professed Atheist, I ask you the question: Do you believe in aliens? Could not God be an alien? Yes, He most certainly is an alien. The dictionary defines the word “alien” as: “coming from or existing outside the earth or its atmosphere.” God is not of this world. The Bible teaches that God created the universe, which means that His presence transcends this universe.

    It is contradictory for any Atheist to profess a belief in the existence of alien life while denying the existence of God. If you believe that aliens may exist, then you certainly must concede that one of those aliens may be God.

    Some people believe that the Pyramids of Egypt were built by aliens; but the Bible teaches that slave Israelites built the treasure cities of Pithom and Raamses for Pharaoh (Exodus 1:11). Evidence shows that it was mankind, and not aliens, that built the Pyramids of Egypt.

    Perhaps you do not believe in alien life at all; but that would be speculation at best, because neither you nor anyone else can make such a claim with any confidence. How do you know that there is no alien life?

    So whether an Atheist believes in alien life or not is irrelevant to the fact that no one can say with any certainty that God does not exist. This logical reasoning proves that there is no such thing as a TRUE Atheist, only those who choose to reside in their ignorance of something they do not know for certain. Any honest person must admit that there could be a God.

    The fact that Atheists refuse to even consider the possibility that God exists is self-incriminating evidence against them, because they are willingly ignorant of the possibility that alien life may exist in the universe or beyond.

    Clearly, Atheists are biased against the Truth of God’s Word, without any logical reason or justification for their prejudice. Logic dictates that alien life certainly may exist, and that means God.

  • MrFreeze

    Not all atheists believe in little green men from Mars. It depends on your definition of alien. An alien could be considered some bacteria or any other small life forms. That doesnt not necessarily mean intelligent life.

  • badseed

    You refer to god's word but how do you really know it is god's word. Your claim of god's word is just as ambiguous as atheists claiming aliens exist. I have no proof of anything, aliens or god. I'm not an atheist but I certainly won't go around claiming I know for sure that the bible is god's word. It was put together by catholics. What does that say?

  • Morbidzbaby

    *Sigh* Belief in other beings besides ourselves that exist elsewhere in our universe is not contradictory to believing in the god of the bible. The god of the bible is supposedly this almighty spirit being who you can't physically see and see zero evidence of. Yet supposedly, he spoke to mankind for years...

    A belief in other beings doesn't contradict Atheism because Atheism is a lack of belief in a deity, not a lack of belief in another race.. Meaning that a person can believe an alien race exists on some distant planet and that there is other life in our galaxy and maybe we ARE some sort of crazy cosmic experiment...that doesn't mean they are going to worship aliens. It doesn't mean they think that we humans were created AS HUMANS by another race, but maybe we started just like they single-celled organisms on a rock in the blackness of space.

    As an Atheist, I am always open to the possibility of "what if"...but without concrete proof that trancends personal experience and ventures into scientifically accurate and plausible, I will remain an Atheist. This has no bearing on whether I believe in aliens or not. The two ideas CAN coexist.

    As for the pyramids, etc...well, you say that the bible "proves" humans built them. No, it doesn't. It's a story book full of inaccuracies. For every one truth, there are 10 untruths or discrepancies. What is viewed in the bible as miraculous happenings (such as the 10 Plagues) can be attributed to natural disasters miles away (like volcano eruptions, etc). These "miracles" were simply a primitive way for peoples to explain their world and what was going on around them, nothing more.

  • ProdigalSon

    I'm not an atheist, and yes I do believe Jehovah was an ancient alien astronaut....nothing more, nothing less. A "god", yes. "God" would be another story altogether.

    Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut From the Pleiades?

  • unshackled

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • FifthOfNovember

    I'm atheist and I believe there is a great chance for life other than here on earth, chances are, most life in the universe would be unintelligent. I don't believe Earth has ever been visited by other life.

    And I'm not really sure how you can come to the conclusion that it's just as logical to believe in God rather than alien life. Alien life certainly is more of a possibility than God. Planets within 20 light years of Earth have already been found that are the perfect distance from their star to harbor life. That leaves so many more possiblities for not only this galaxy but the whole universe. There is no science or logic behind God.

  • Pika_Chu

    Yes, that's right. Aliens are more probable than God. Your fundamental error here, is you assume all aliens are Gods. Maybe your God is an alien. Maybe all Gods are aliens, hell, I'll pretend that one's true. But not all aliens are God. Plus, they live in our universe and are contingent beings, so yeah.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    There is a good show about aliens on cable.

    It's called "Border Patrol".


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