july simplified wt Gods rest( please comment)

by TheLoveDoctor 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheLoveDoctor

    during six days, God prepared the earth for people to live on. These were not days of 24 hours each butmuch longer periods of time. The Bible says about the end of each of these periods: “There came to be evening and there came to bemorning.” (Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31) But the seventh day was different. The Bible says about that day: “God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred, because on it he

    has been resting from all his work that God.

    so since wts says a day to jah is 1000years each creative day is 1000 each and each is call a day but the seventh day although called a day cant symbolicly be 1000years cause wts needs to extent the day of rest into thousands of years since none of thier end times came true


    t(his is from simplified wt)So God’s dayof rest will continue until he completes his purpose. This will be at the end of the thousand years of Christ’s reign. My comments (so if the big A came tommorow the seventh day will be at the least 1513 years before christ 2011years after christ the present year 2011 and 1000 year rain of christ that makes this symbolic day 4524years =1day but this day is contiuose

    (wt16)Jehovah tells us through his organization about his purpose and what he wants from us.

    We can enter into Jehovah’s if we obey him and work with his organization. my thoughts (this is some crazy shit that i didnt read in the bible)

    Have You Entered Into God’s Rest? n ext article


    Today, the faithful and discreet slave sometimes helps us to understand a teaching in the Bible in a way that is different from what we thought before (dont they Mean difrent from what they taught us to think w eshould be happy about these changes.

  • TheLoveDoctor

    Sometimes the Governing Body,who represents the faithful and discreet slave, reviews how we understand certain truths. If these brothers decide that changes are necessary, they are not afraid to correct the way they explained some teachings in the past or to make their explanations clearer. They know that some will say bad things about the faithful and discreet slave because of these changes, but that is not the most important thing to them. The most important thing to them is that they cooperate with God’s purpose. How do you feel when the faithful and discreet slave makes a change in the way we understand something in the Bible?— Read Luke 5:39.

  • transhuman68

    It's a balls-up right from the start! The NWT translation of Genesis 2:3 is completely different to the NSAB and the RSV, which both say "God rested", not "God is resting"

    These last two articles in the July Watchtower are good examples of why I faded away as soon as I could! None of it is coherent or comes to any reasonable conclusion. All I can conclude from reading them is that Armageddon could be thousands of years away.

    Another issue of a worthless magazine...

    Although this is interesting... from page 32:


    When Paul wrote that “the word of God
    is alive,” he was not referring specifically to
    God’s written Word, the Bible.

  • Larsinger58

    Per WTS the Creative Days are 7000 years each. That's where the 1975 fiasco doctrine comes from, the idea that the final 1000 years would be God's second rest day.

    Hmmmm. Interesting you missed that.

    The corrected chronology, if Adam was 30 when Eve was created and you correct the Exodus from 1513 BCE to its correct date of 1386 BCE, and then you allow 20 years for Satan's final test and 100 years for Judgment Day prior to the end of the 7th Creative Day, then you get 2011 AD.

    It's all good.

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