Are there jw 'safehouses'?

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Perhaps a member can provide some details regarding this matter.

    My wife mentioned to me this evening that one of her younger sisters who is sort of close to the jw parents said that her parents had 'let the cat out of the bag' by stating that their house is a designated safe house in the event of a catastrophe (I assume this would be termed a natural disaster as opposed to a great trib type event).

    Is this true of the dubs? Could it be only an Australian 'thing', Or is it a world wide directive of the gb?


    Cheeses. Whose house already is a jw safe house i.e. it is safe from any wayward jdubs ever visiting.

  • nugget

    news to me never heard of it. It may depend what it is for if it is a rally point in case of disaster and it is situated out of flood plains etc it makes sense and may be a local arrangement or a response to recent fires, floods etc. If it is in the event of armagedon then it is not something I am aware of. It used to be that the book study groups were the place to go.


    On a similar note, one of the local congregations had a local needs a few years ago on "go-bags". Some Awake had an article re: preparation for disasters and keeping a bag filled with necessities in case people need to flee. The local needs turned it into a matter of faith and obedience to God that we would keep a "go-bag" in the trunk of the car. Twas the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard.

    It wouldn't surprise me if they had safe houses. I always figured the KH was supposed to be the safe house.

    I have a pub in my house with beer on tap--everybody can come here if they need to flee the latest conflagration!

  • Pants of Righteousness
    Pants of Righteousness

    There is a file in each congregation's records that contains what is called a 'Disaster List' which records everybody's contact details, and includes an address to which the individual has stated they would evacuate to in the event of an emergency. Maybe this is considered their 'safe house'.

    But if you think this through - wouldn't a safe house for one type of emergency be anything but a safe place in another?

    This list may also be perused at Circuit Overseer visit time to check on inactive / irregular members.


  • RayPublisher

    We just had a part this week on the importance of "go-bags". In my mind if there is a disaster it's gonna be a matter of hunkering down and surviving with what we have at home, not trying to "flee to the mountains of Pella" or something...

  • sir82

    That's weird.

    Sounds like a local thing...or maybe certain zones which are more prone to natural disasters have a different program?

    Where I live we are pretty much insulated from just about any type of natural disaster. No such arrangements are in effect here.

  • LV101

    think they need an X-JW safehouse plan (w/inhouse psychologists/psychiatrists) but it would be too embarrassing for one's neighbors to know/recall you were part of the dangerous cult.

  • cantleave

    It wasn't the case in the UK up to November 2009, when I stepped down.

  • james_woods

    I vaguely remember this being hinted at in the 1960s - it was in regard to former communist countries in Eastern Europe. They were supposedly randomly assigned from one JW home to another - it was a place to hide from the communist police.

    The warning was given that if you even missed a single meeting you would not know where the next safe location was and would be left out in the cold.

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