Funny CoC quote

by brotherdan 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    I'm re-reading Crisis, and I totally forgot about this gem:

    "Our Bethel library contained shelf after shelf after shelf filled
    with such commentaries. Since they were the product of scholars
    of other religions, however, I had not given much importance to
    them and, along with others in the department, felt some hesitancy,
    even distrust, as to using them. As Karl Klein, a senior member
    of the Writing Department, sometimes very bluntly expressed it,
    using these commentaries was “sucking at the tits of Babylon the
    Great,” the empire of false religion according to the Society’s interpretation
    of the great harlot of Revelation."

    I posted this on another thread, but I thought it'd go good here too. Imagine Klein saying that after you hear his voice. He was a HORRIBLE speaker. Karl - The Role of Christian Women.mp3.html

  • Ding

    If the average JW consulted such commentaries to get better Bible understanding, it would be JC time for the elders...

  • brotherdan

    Do you have any recommendations of a good commentary, Ding? I'd like to get John Macarthurs one day. But I'd like to have an older reliable commentary too.

    I guess that question can go to any other Christian here. Are there any good commentaries any of you all use?

  • Ding

    Matthew Henry's commentary is an older commentary.

    I would call it "reliable" with the understanding no one should latch onto one particular commentary and insist that it's THE correct view of every verse.

    We've had enough of that sort of thing with the WTS... :)

  • brotherdan
    I would call it "reliable" with the understanding no one should latch onto one particular commentary and insist that it's THE correct view of every verse.


  • garyneal

    My wife tells me that when she is out on return visits, there was one woman who used the Watchtower's for material for her Sunday school lessons. Her father had the same experience with a minister of another church. He too took the Watchtower's and used them for his sermons.

    All the while, Bethel is using Christendom's materials (sucking on the teets of Babylon the Great) for their writing material.

    Reminds me of a story of a man who ran a clock shop who'd set his clock to 5 o'clock everyday when the whistle in the nearby construction site went off at quitting time. Also every morning, a man would set his watch at 8 o'clock in the morning by the clocks of the man's shop. One morning the man who owned the shop asked the man who was adjusting his watch what he did for a living. "Oh I am the foreman at the nearby construction site. I set my watch every morning so I would know when to sound the whistle at quitting time."

    The two men could've had the correct time or they could've been off by hours.

  • wobble

    Good parable garyneal !

    I used a number of different Commentaries when I was a Dub, mainly "The Tyndale" published by William B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids Mich.& Inter- Varsity Press, Leicester, England, also I used "The Daily Study Bible" series published by The Westminster Press , Phill. U.S.A andThe St. Andrew Press, Edinburgh.

    Both are good, the funny thing was, being aborn in, I was able to filter out, using Cognitive Dissonance, any of the views that would have been unacceptable in the K.H

    It gave me a great edge, though, I always had more background knowledge as to the context and meaning of scriptures and therefore was able to do good talks, and correct many a mistaken view of what a scripture meaning was.

    I was a Bible Smartass, it is funny/sad that it took me so long to wake up, I had all I needed, right there in front of my eyes, to see the WT as totally in error, but it took me so long, what a thicky I am !

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