BBC blatantly begins advertising!

by The Searcher 5 Replies latest social current

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The BBC receives mi££ion$ every year from the TV licence fee which is imposed on folks with a TV.

    Due to that source of income, they cannot advertise as other channels do to raise money.

    However, the BBC has changed its web site to include video adverts which have to be viewed prior to seeing the news video - Bank of America in this one.

    Naughty BBC, very naughty!

    Getting ready for the abolition of the licence fee in a few years?

  • Simon

    I presume you are in the UK which is why it is a surprise?

    We've seen ads on BBC sites for years (visiting from Canada).

    I think the mandate is that they can't use the programmes to advertise which led to the crazy situation where obvious brands would be blacked out in sitcoms. It makes sense for them to raise money - they are a global brand with a massive audience after all.

  • wizzstick

    It's not coming up now.

    As Simon says, the BBC (BBC Worldwide actually) have been doing this for years. It's perfectly legit. The licence fee has been frozen so the Beeb looks to outside the UK to pay to see its services. And therefore generate revenue streams for the BBC in the UK.

    But it's ad-free within the UK.

    Fair enough surely?

  • Phizzy

    I just watched the Vid, no Ads for me in the U.K.

    Whatever happens as to funding, I do hope the good old Beeb remains Ad free in the U.K.

    All the mind-numbingly dumb ads on commercial channels,and the same Ads repeated ad nauseum mean that I do not watch such programmes unless forced to.

    I refuse especially to watch a Film unless it is Ad free, I cannot "get into" it otherwise. The programmers who use ads are getting really silly too, taking the piss and ignoring guidelines, you get about 7 or 8 minutes of programme, and then 6 to 9 minutes of Ads.

    One day I swear I'll put my boot through the screen.

  • bemused
    Can't see any problem with the BBC getting advertising revenue for foreign viewers, who don't pay a licence fee. In fact, as a UK TV licence payer I'm strongly supportive of their stance.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    Just looked again - The Bank of America ad has gone now!

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