Pyramidologists: the Great Pyramid of Gizeh

by Spade 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Spade

    The Great Pyramid of Gizeh (one of the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) had special meaning to Charles Taze Russell and the Bible students in 19th century.

    They attempted to corroborate Biblical time periods with the Great Pyramid for two reasons:

    1. What was stated in Isaiah 19:19.

    In that day there will prove to be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to Jehovah beside its boundary. Isaiah 19:19

    2. Who built the Great Pyramid?

    One of the enigmas about the Great Pyramid is who built it. It's been stated that the design, construction and astronomical calculations found on the Great Pyramid determine that it was virtually impossible for the Egyptians to have designed it. Simply put, the knowledge displayed in the Great Pyramid was too advanced for humans of that time.

    Thus, this means that if the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid they had to get the design from some superhuman source. Using the Bible as a model, we see that Jehovah in the Hebrew scriptures gave mankind structures to build. For example, the Israelites received specifications to build the tabernacle (Ex. 25:40), Solomon's and Zerruabbel's Temple (I Chron. 28:18-19). The Israelites were not the first people that God instructed to build something. Noah was given instructions to build the ark (Gen. 6:13-16, 22). When Israel came across the River Jordan into the Promised Land, Joshua the Son of Nun made Israel erect two sets of 12 stones as a sign that the Ark of the Covenant divided the river (Jos. 4th chp). The Bible shows that God always gave man designs for the structures he wanted them to build and it was always man that built them to his specification.

    The mystery of the origin and construction of Great Pyramid(s) has been the subject of investigation since it's discovery up to its most recent observations.

    Great Pyramid Mystery to Be Solved by Hidden Room?

    for National Geographic News November 14, 2008 A sealed space in Egypt's Great Pyramid may help solve a centuries-old mystery: How did the ancient Egyptians move two million 2.5-ton blocks to build the ancient wonder?

    In spite of the alleged observations, there are no realistic prophecies that can be derived from the architecture, design or astronomical calculations found in Pyramid of Gizeh. The early Bible students simply made an attempt to corroborate Biblical time periods with what they perceived to be “God's stone witness.”

    The International Bible Students, best known as Millennial Dawners early in the 20th century, had been proclaiming to the world that the day of wrath prophesied in the Bible would dawn in 1914.

    From the inception of Jehovah's Organization, the proclamation of Christ's Millennial Reign beginning in 1914 CE has always been taught to begin after the Gentiles Times as foretold in God's Word. The 2,520 years from 607 BCE.

    Thy Kingdom Come 1898 Edition

    And the parallelism continues to the full end of the harvest of this dispensation-until the overthrow of the professedly Christian kingdoms, really "kingdoms of this world," and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God in the earth at A.D. 1914, the terminus of the Times of the Gentiles. (See Vol. I I., chap. iv.) Page 126, Thy Kingdom Come 1898 Edition

    The attempts to corroborate Biblical time periods with the Great Pyramid are summarized as follows:

    For simplicity we will take our erroneous A.D. as the standard, and will scale down the Pyramid figures to correspond, by deducting one and one-fourth inches from them, so that they will correspond with our common reckoning. Thus reduced, they would show (a) 1875 less 1 1/4 equal 1873 3/4; (b) 1882 less 1 1/4 equal 1880 3/4; and (c) 1911 less 1 1/4 equal 1909 3/4, and give the dates (a) October, 1874, (b) October, 1881 and (c) October, 1910, A. D. How long this sifting of the consecrated will last, during which some will be granted the crowns of those adjudged unworthy, and their names written instead of some whose names will be blotted out (Rev. 3:5, 11), the Scriptures do not, so far as we have yet seen, indicate; but this date, 1910, indicated by the Pyramid, seems to harmonize well with the dates furnished by the Bible. Page 363 Thy Kingdom Come 1898 Edition The four years from 1910 to the end of 1914, indicated thus in the Great Pyramid, will be quite sufficient for the extreme of all that trouble; for when it reaches its terrible climax it cannot last long ; and "Except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved."-Matt. 24:22 Page 364 Thy Kingdom Come 1898 Edition

    Upon a thorough examination of "Pyramidology" as immaterial to any aspect of God's Word, (the term used, sometimes disparagingly, to refer to various pseudoscientific speculations regarding pyramids, most often the Giza Necropolis and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt) Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned the idea that an Egyptian pyramid has anything to do with true worship.

    The administrative position of Jehovah's Organization has never whitewashed mistaken viewpoints. The evidence has clearly been referenced for critics or newly interested ones for research purposes.

    jv chap. 14 pp. 200-201 “They Are No Part of the World” Practices That Have Been Abandoned This Christmas celebration at Brooklyn Bethel in 1926 was their last. The Bible Students gradually came to appreciate that neither the origin of this holiday nor the practices associated with it honored God For years, Bible Students wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification, and this symbol was on the front cover of the “Watch Tower” from 1891 to 1931. But in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but one’s activity as a witness showed he was a Christian. In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross. In their “Daily Manna” book, Bible Students kept a list of birthdays. But after they quit celebrating Christmas and when they realized that birthday celebrations were giving undue honor to creatures (one reason that early Christians never celebrated birthdays), the Bible Students quit this practice too. For some 35 years, Pastor Russell thought that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was God’s stone witness, corroborating Biblical time periods. (Isa. 19:19) But Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned the idea that an Egyptian pyramid has anything to do with true worship. (See “Watchtower” issues of November 15 and December 1, 1928).

    Some brief excerpts:

    Watchtower 1928

    When the Christian finds that he has been following a wrong interpretation and sees a more reasonable and harmonious explanation thereof, he will readily and gladly forsake the old and turn to the later and better understanding. God reveals his truth in a progressive way. (Prov. 4:18) In no other way could the Christian walk in the light. He is admonished to be ready to give a reason for his hope. (1 Pet. 3:15) That reason must be based upon the Word of God, and not upon science and philosophy so called. -Isa. 1:18; 1 Tim. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:12, 13; Col. 2: 8. In the land of Egypt, in the northern part of the continent of Africa, there is set up a great structure of stone which is called the great pyramid of Gizeh. For the past half-century many students of the Word of God have been taught and have believed that the great pyramid of Egypt is that which God through his prophet Isaiah refers to in the text first above quoted. Many have relied upon that structure of stone to corroborate the testimony concerning the divine plan which is set forth in the Word of God. In fact, some have designated the pyramid "the Bible in stone" and "God’s stone witness." Some by reference to that structure of stone have made calculations and determined in their own minds just the time when God would bring his plan to a climax. By certain measurements and mathematical calculations they have attempted to decide just the exact time God would take all his children from earth and receive them into heaven. Those relying thereupon have suffered sorrow and disappointment. When the important event expected to come to pass on a day certain failed to materialize, the devotees of the pyramid have sought out measurements therein by which they have fixed other and later dates and pinned their faith to such testimony.

  • diamondiiz

    WTS whitewashed everything they could as much as they could and they continue to do so. What they show their r&f is as whitewashed as one can expect from a cult. They use certain words to downplay the issues and how they potrayed their BS teaching to the public. Pyramid of Gyza is no exception.

  • thetrueone

    Funny is it that god would choose an organization to represent his will and purpose on earth to people who were so far away from

    the bible itself and deeply involved in the worshiping of pagan idolatry.

    But perhaps not so surprising in realizing this originally was a book publishing house with attached commercial aspirations.

  • Spade

    "WTS whitewashed everything they could as much as they could and they continue to do so. What they show their r&f is as whitewashed as one can expect from a cult. They use certain words to downplay the issues and how they potrayed their BS teaching to the public. Pyramid of Gyza is no exception."

    The Bible students that broke off and went thier seperate way still use the Pyramid in accociation with the Bible.

    The Great Pyramid and The Bible

    “In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof... And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.” —Isaiah 19:19-20

    A Sign for the End Times Many Christians today are looking for signs to confirm their faith—religious icons that bleed or cry, images of Jesus photographed in clouds, angels who appear bearing messages from God, etc. But the Bible itself cautioned about false signs and wonders which distract from the true prophetic signs that are promised. The signs which the Bible warned against were only those which are not confirmed by Scripture. Matt. 12:39; 24:26; 2Thess. 2:9-10

    One remarkable prophetic sign that is confirmed by Scripture is found in our Isaiah 19 theme text pointing to the Great Pyramid in Egypt. It is one of the most dramatic signs given in Scripture, yet it is overlooked by most students of the Bible because of preconceived ideas as to the Pyramid’s purpose, origin and meaning. It has been shrouded in mystery as a “cultish” object with claims of supernatural powers. In addition, Satan has done a masterful job of destroying this beautiful Bible prophecy and many other Bible truths by associating them with evil. The goal of this report is to re-establish the Great Pyramid of Gizeh as a beautiful “sign” and “witness” provided in the word of God for the upbuilding of faith “in that day”—the end times.

  • GrandmaJones
  • diamondiiz

    Bible Students are loons as many others. Certain bible student groups believe in the Pyramid which doesn't make them any better off than the witnesses. Someone imagining in a boogieman creating a conspiracy to hide the truth has reality problems. Pyramid of Giza has nothing to do with God's plan nor is there any evidence it is linked to the bible. Bible itself has its own problems which leads people to believe that bible is either not God's word or that there is no God.

    Everyone wants a sign to confirm their set of beliefs and pyramid was something Russellites had while some crazies today find Jesus on a slice of toast. Either one means nothing in a real world.

  • diamondiiz

    Bible Students are loons as many others. Certain bible student groups believe in the Pyramid which doesn't make them any better off than the witnesses. Someone imagining in a boogieman creating a conspiracy to hide the truth has reality problems. Pyramid of Giza has nothing to do with God's plan nor is there any evidence it is linked to the bible. Bible itself has its own problems which leads people to believe that bible is either not God's word or that there is no God.

    Everyone wants a sign to confirm their set of beliefs and pyramid was something Russellites had while some crazies today find Jesus on a slice of toast. Either one means nothing in a real world.

  • Spade
  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Incredible as this may now seem, Pyramidolgy was once taken quite seriously by science.

    A Professor Charles Smyth published a book in 1864, entitled "The Great Pyramid - Its Secrets and Mysteries Revealed." For decades after that, there was condiderable excitement generated by this subject.

    Amongst other things, the interior of the Pyramid of Gizeh seemingly contained "Chronological Marks."

    If a little imagination were used, together with special units of measurement known as "Pyramid Inches" (which were to linear measurement what 360 day long years were to Freddy Franz's prophetic measurements!), such dates as AD 1874 and AD 1914 can be identified.

    However, during the late 19th Century, the whole idea was well an truly debunked, and seen for what it really is;

    - i.e. Pseudo-Science, pure and simple!

    C.T. Russell was evidently an avid reader of the study of Pyramidology. And although he did not get the date of 1914 from the Great Pyramid, he would have no doubt been convinced that it confirmed this date (which had its orgins in a breakaway group from the Second Advent Church, and led by N.H. Barbour).

    The moral of the story would appear to be, if two prophetic dates happen to coincide, it means absolutely nothing at all!


  • TD
    The administrative position of Jehovah's Organization has never whitewashed mistaken viewpoints. The evidence has clearly been referenced for critics or newly interested ones for research purposes.


    Prior to the publication of Jehovah's Witnesses -- Proclaimers of God's Kingdom in 1993, major internal works on church history were the 1955-1956 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose (1959) and the 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    These publications thoroughly whitewashed the doctrinal history of Jehovah's Witnesses. One of the more egregious claims is that Russell had discerned Christ's invisible presence ahead of time. The 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses actually reset the publication date of The Object and Manner of Our Lord's Return back four years to 1873 to lend credence to that claim. (The correct date is 1877) The 1930 - 1985 Watchtower Publications Index followed suit, listing the "New" publication date.

    Proclaimers is more accurate on these doctrinal details, and that's a positive sign, but it is still a single publication among many others that make false and misleading statements.

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