Prostating Oneself

by PopeOfEruke 3 Replies latest social physical

  • PopeOfEruke

    I'm a male aged in my mid 40's and am wondering about if and when I need to get my first prostate exam.

    Has anyone here been through it? Is it painful? Embarassing? What exactly do the doctors do? Is it worse than a meeting with elders? Or a talk #5?

    The Pope

  • brodark

    Get an appointment, get it done. 40 -45 is prime time for prostate problems to start. It's really not all that bad. After a few questions and the usual blood pressure and abdominal thumping and a couple of easy questions, you'll be asked to:
    Drop your drawers and bend over the exam table. He'll lube one finger, push it in (a little discomfort, but nothing you can't live through), about 10 to 15 seconds to find and examine the gland with his gloved finger, and voila, you're done except for wiping up the KY gel. Piece of cake, you're good for a year at least.
    You DON'T want to let it slide! Get an exam done as a baseline and then every year or two after, as the doctor suggests, you can get a checkup. An ounce of prevention, and all that.

  • LB

    Not a big deal, way easier than hemmoroids.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • larc


    That is true. It only takes a minute and you really don't feel violated because you were told that the finger was going up there ahead of time for purely clinical reasons.

    Now, when I turned 60, my doctor wanted me to go for some thing, I can't remember the name of it, but they put this small garden hose into your private place. Now, this process takes about 15 minutes, and you can watch it on tv, while this thing is exploring your internal parts. I chose not to look. It didn't hurt, the air they blew up there ahead of time, gave me stomach pains for about 8 hours afterwards.

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