My weight loss diary

by metaspy 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • metaspy

    I have been living in Florida for almost a year. During that time I have gained 20 pounds!!
    Those 20 pounds are on top of the 15 I was already overweight when I came down.
    I am now at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. (205)

    I refuse to remain at this weight!
    My goal is to get back to what I weighed when I was in High School – 165.
    I am going to document my day-to-day exercise and weight.

    If you have suggestions on what to do for exercises, I am open to them.
    I am starting by doing bike riding, jumping jacks, push-ups and crunches.
    Maybe even a little bit of Wii Fit.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    How about some simple things like use the stairs when possible. Don't look for the closest parking space. Mow your own lawn or shovel your own snow.

    If you have access to a pool swimming is very good way to get tone.

  • skeeter1

    Get a player, put in your favorite songs or a book on tape, and find 30 minutes a day to go for a walk. it's warm enough in Florida and ther are not high hills.

    Avoid stress eating. Actually, have a plan each day for what you are going to eat. Tomorrow, I am goign to have oatmeal for breakfast, a homemade chicken breast sandwich for lunch, a tangerine and 20 peanuts and a yogurt for snacks, and a salad with canned tuna fish and a light yogurt dressing for dinner. You have to do that each night, so next day you are set. If I don't have a plan, I GRAB the chips, dips, ... and start the mindless eating fiasco. With a plan, I am cool.

    When stress comes, find another outlet. Clean out a closet, a drawer (not in the kitchen), call a friend, get on JWN, etc.

    Also, write down everything you eat. There are free websites that offer a diet diary. Most even have support groups, recipe swapping, emotional support, etc.

    And, go to the doctor. There could be a medical reason for all of this. Thyroid, diabetes, hormones, etc.

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