Jan Awake, stating JW's are only true religion

by lostsheep82 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jehovahsheep

    i agree mr monroe-the jws are just a schism offshoot of a eccentric late 19th century upstart american religion that spread worldwide.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    C.L.A.P.T.R.A.P Who do I make the cheque out to again??


  • designs

    Jesus went to Egypt as a baby to visit his true celestial birth place the Pyramid at Giza...............

  • Heaven

    When I was a kid, JWs vehemently denied they were a 'religion' as religions were being run by Satan.

    It's interesting to see what the fear of taxation does to a group claiming to be God's Chosen and The Truth.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    The local hospitals where I live have been on an add campaign saying they are the best rated hospital in the nation they give references and experts saying that it is true and we are so lucky to live here by such a great hospital. I lady I work for who is a nurse was telling me that the hospitals pay big bucks to run those add and they find people and references to support them. But it is not really true what they are saying. Now we have two hospitals running the same adds both saying they are the top rated hospitals in the nations using different sources. So which hospital do you believe.

    It is the same with the WT. There is a fool born every minute who will believe what they want to believe no matter what the real proof is.


  • lostsheep82

    My moms exact words were she had to tell me because if she didn't "warn" me, she would be bloodguilty. I just wish there was a way of THEM seeing the LIGHT. Saddens me, truly.

  • Paulapollos


    I have 3 converts already.....WitnessMyFury, MrFreeze, and Zid........and Zid, yes, if it was good enough for good ol' Judge Rutherford, then it's good enough for us - break out the alcohol!


  • lostsheep82

    Now to read the quote in the Sept 15 watchtower that what comes from the organization IS basically Jehovah's mouth? WTF! I need a drink for this one. Been 1.5 years since I stopped my JW research, but the JW mom doesn't stop. Guess I need to read the mags again to keep up with the BS they publish:)

  • lostsheep82

    A "Distinctive" Group

    Is original Christianity lost forever? By nomeans. There is one group today that de-serves special consideration. Jehovah’s Wit-nesses emulate the first Christians like no oth-

    er religious people. They are not linked to anyreligion in Christendom. TheEncyclopedia ofReligion describesthemas"distinctive,"be-cause they base all their beliefs on "the au-thority of the Bible, which entirely supplantstradition."

    Like the first Christians, Jehovah’s Wit-nesses do not take sides in political conflicts.A paper published by the National Acade-my of Sciences of Ukraine states that Jeho-vah’s Witnesses aim to overcome "racial, na-tional, religious, social, and economicaldifferences." The study explains that Jeho-vah’s Witnesses do not engage in "anti-state

    activity" and are "law-abiding citizens of theircountry."Professor Wojciech Modzelewski, from theWarsaw University in Poland, wrote in hisbook Pacifism andVicinity: "Jehovah’s Wit-nesses make up the largest community in theworld today that objects to wars." Because they closely follow the pattern of first-centuryChristians, it could be said that Jehovah’sWitnesses have successfully reinstated theform of worship that was established byChrist and his apostles. That is the kind ofChristianity that is indeed a force for peace.—

    My mom read this like it was her duty to warn me that the Society says they are the only true relgion. Bless her heart, but she feels that because of this article stating that they are the only true religion (more in the magazine it states that also). This whole thing makes me SICK:(

  • BluesBrother

    Sorry , but I do not see anything in this that should get a J W excited, any more than any other article that they write. They have always claimed to be the only true religion and presented arguments as to why that should be. If they find an endorsement in a selective quote from a Bible reference book, that is not too hard either and not the first time....Hell, their claims are not all true anyway -

    "They base all their beliefs on “the authority of the Bible," ..we can think of several beliefs that they have invented themselves

    "They advocate peace" - rather the greatest genocidal slaughter that has ever been imagined

    "They have successfully reestablished first century Christianity"....Would the first century Christians recognize them as their own? At the very least one can say that the Earthly Paradise hope is entirely different from the New Testament salvation....

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