Anti-Abortion Extremists Soliciting Murder

by whereami 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    Is this now the Christian version of the Musslim Extreamist "terrorist"?

    I like this quote "Apparently? the answer to "What would Jesus do?" is "Shoot you in the? face!"

    Or this comment: The hypocracy is amazing. Note how? they use Hitler as a christian when it suits them? I'm now convinced that belif in? a god is a form of illness.

  • debator

    Extreme violent fanaticism is revolting in whatever form it takes and isn't only the milieu of religions which you seem to draw from this youtube? What would you do if someone was driven by their hatred of witnesses off here to do something terrible?

  • beksbks
    Extreme violent fanaticism

    I'm having a hard time thinking of another area of life where this comes in to play. Other than just random crazies. It seems to me religion is the root of a hell of a lot of evil.

  • debator

    You haven't been to China or Russia lately? Stalin was an atheist.

  • beksbks

    Actually I have been to China recently..........

    Assuming you are correct that Stalin was an atheist, what does that have to do with anything?

  • sabastious
    What would you do if someone was driven by their hatred of witnesses off here to do something terrible?

    This forum does not advocate the harm of JWs in any fashion, you are such a tool.


  • debator

    Isn't the whole point of this article that these anti-abortionists are posting Wanted Ads with unlawful personal information of their "targets" with a very emotionally manipulative, hate campaign against the target knowing an easily persuaded member will act on this building hatred?

    Do I think this site advocates violence towards witnesses? No

    But do I think various posters paint a very generalised, unrealistic and emotionally manipulative picture of Jehovah's Witnesses that promotes a lot of bitterness against witnesses? Yes.

  • beksbks

    Ooohhh, You're a JW??

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