One Scripture To Trash the Org: 1st John 4:18

by freemindfade 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freemindfade

    1st John 4:18

    18 There is no fear in love,+ but perfect love casts* fear out, because fear restrains us. Indeed, the one who is fearful has not been made perfect in love.+

    Compare that with everything that keeps the organization together, I know THEY tell the followers its love, and because its a cult they believe that, but when you wake up you know its fear.

    • Fear of dying at Armageddon
    • Fear of not seeing dead loved ones again in a paradise
    • Fear of the elders
    • Fear of embarrassment
    • Fear of YHWH
    • Fear of family
    • Fear of disfellowshipping

    Well this scripture seems to make me believe fear is not good according to this particular part of the bible. If you have an abusive mate, and they say love me or I'll kill you, and you do, does that mean you really love them? Or are you saying it because you don't want to suffer? Even (this part of) the bible shows the witness fear machine is WRONG.

    By the way I heard this scripture two nights ago from the CO's talk. Hypocrisy.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    I've got one for you.

    hebrews 7:23, 24

    Furthermore, many had to become priests in succession because death prevented them from continuing as such, but because he continues alive forever, his priesthood has no successors.

    Here the mosaic law is being compared to Jesus covenant. The book is claiming that the old law only had priests because the original mediator (Moses) died, and then a line of priests because each priest after would also die. It then says that Jesus is alive forever and will have no such priests.

    So then how can the Governing Body possibly be Jesus representative?

  • cappytan

    It's the Fear of Jehovah as motivation that stands out to me.

    "It's not a morbid fear, it's a fear of displeasing him!"

    Yeah, but if we displease him, don't we get mortal consequences? How is that not a morbid fear?

    Religion is so ridiculous.


    A lot more than ONE scripture trashes the WTS . A comprehensive listing is quite overwhelming proof texts to contradict most all of their teachings.

    There are I believe in revelation verses stating Jesus as [all three] alpha and omega, the 1st and last and Jesus is the beginning and the ending.

    I do believe all three verses are in revelation.

    just saying

  • freemindfade

    cappytan, "It's not a morbid fear, it's a fear of displeasing him!" that is funny. Just reading that statement now makes me laugh. Put it in the context of an abusive mate, or parent, or animal owner. Or citizen under a harsh dictatorship. That statement that we have all heard in talks time and again is the ultimate JW-oxymoron.

    I am not afraid of my Spouse beating the hell out of me, I am just afraid of displeasing him/her.

  • cappytan
    That statement that we have all heard in talks time and again is the ultimate JW-oxymoron.

    Interestingly, and correct me if I'm wrong, no where in the scriptures does it specify that the type of "fear of God" is not a morbid fear. It's always just stated as, "Fear Jehovah your God," "Fear God"...etc.

  • freemindfade

    Agreed, and while I was sitting in the meeting the other day looking at my bible while the CO read some scripture from the bible, I wondered, is there ANY scripture in the first 5 books, really the foundation, that portrays god in any sort of loving way? An interesting challenge, I would like to make that another post. See if anyone can think of one.

    Before david was writing poetry about YHWH. The moses bits, when is God shown to be loving, forgiving, patient, kind, just, merciful...?


    Proverbs says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I think it reflects more of an awe of his embodiment rather than a fear of wrath.

    just mho

  • freemindfade
    TTWSYF Fear is an emotion, really when you think of it on those terms it is never pleasant. Think of someone who is afraid of the ocean or someone who is in awe of the ocean. You could say they are in awe and respect it but when you say "fear" thats an emotion just like anger, and so on.
  • Crazyguy

    And how about 1john chapter 5 where it states that its gods testimony that all who believe in Jesus have eternal life and to say otherwise is calling god a liar. And Luke 12:41 peter interrupts Jesus while he talking about the Faithful and Discreet Slave and asks "is this parable for us only". Did he just say parable??? Yep

    Love the scriptures in the above posts will add them to my quiver of JW doctrine killing arrows.

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