Oral Review Answers Oct 2010

by JWFreak 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    Just to really wind up the Teaching Committee

    No PDF as this is a preproduction copy




    SOURCE MATERIAL: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures [ bi12 ], The

    Watchtower [ w ], Insight on the Scriptures, Volumes 1 and 2 [ it- 1, it- 2].

    INSTRUCTIONS: Each one should have the questions for the review as set out in

    Our Kingdom Ministry. The review should focus attention on the value of the material

    considered in the Theocratic Ministry School during the preceding two months. The school

    overseer may ask auxiliary questions, as time permits, in order to clarify main points, to

    highlight the reasons for the answers, or to elicit comments on how the material can be

    applied. It is not always practical for the answer sheet to contain all possible answers; so

    any answer that the audience gives that is appropriate and in harmony with our present

    understanding is acceptable, even if the point is not found on the answer sheet. Until the

    congregation has taken this review, the answer sheet is not to be made available to the

    congregation to read, but it may be used by the school overseer as a guide to points that

    he wants to emphasize for the congregation. It is not necessary for the school overseer

    to read all the answers from the answer sheet if the points have already been covered.

    The review should not exceed 20 minutes.

    NOTE TO SCHOOL OVERSEERS: Please select an approved Watchtower Study reader

    to read from the platform the scriptures cited in or after each question as the question

    appears in Our Kingdom Ministry. Cited texts should usually be read before you ask the

    printed question. In view of the limited time allotted for the review, you may use your

    discretion in determining whether lengthy Scripture citations should be read or be briefly


    The date in brackets represents the week that the material was to be covered.

    1. What lesson can we learn by examining the

    life of King Azariah (Uzziah)? (2 Ki. 15:1-6)

    [ Sept. 6, w91 7/15 pp. 29-30] One lesson

    is that we should stay humble. Because

    of King Uzziah’s lack of humility, his

    heart became so haughty that he attempted

    to seize hold of priestly duties. When

    he became enraged at the priests for correcting

    him, he was stricken with leprosy.

    (2 Chron. 26:16-21; Prov. 16:18) May we

    never be like Uzziah and let pride prevent

    us from accepting discipline from God

    through His Word and organization.

    2. Since Judean King Jotham is credited with

    ruling for only 16 years, why does 2 Kings

    15:30 refer to “the twentieth year” of his

    reign? (2 Chron. 27:7, 8) [ Sept. 6, it- 2 p. 119

    par. 5] The reference at 2 Kings 15:30

    to “the twentieth year of Jotham” evidently

    is to be understood to mean the

    20th year after his becoming king, that is,

    the fourth year of Ahaz. The writer of the

    Kings accountmay have chosen not to introduce

    Jotham’s successor Ahaz at this

    point because of yet having to supply details

    about Jotham’s reign.

    3. Who were “the Samaritans” mentioned at

    2 Kings 17:29? [ Sept. 13, it- 2 p. 847 par. 7]

    This term as used in this scripture refers

    to those who lived in the northern tentribe

    kingdom of Samaria before it was

    conquered by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E.

    In time, however, this expression came to

    mean both the descendants of those Jews

    and those brought in by the Assyrians to

    replace the exiled tribes.

    4. Why is Jehovah spoken of as ‘forming’ his

    purpose? (2 Ki. 19:25) [ Sept. 20, w99 8/15

    p. 14 par. 3] Jehovah causes himself to be

    the Fulfiller of all of his promises. (Isa.

    46:11) The expression ‘forming’ is taken

    from theHebrew word related to the word

    meaning “potter.” (Jer. 18:4, ftn.) How

    faith strengthening it is to know that just

    as a skillful potter can shape a lump of

    clay into a beautiful vase, Jehovah can

    shape, or maneuver, things to accomplish

    his will! (Eph. 1:11)

    5. How does 2 Kings 25:8, 25, 26 accurately describe

    the starting point of the fulfillment of

    the seventy years Jerusalem would lie desolate?

    [ Sept. 27, it- 1 p. 415 par. 6–p. 416

    sa10 10-E

    pars. 1-2; p. 463 par. 4] It was in the seventh

    month, Tishri, of the year 607 B.C.E.

    that Jerusalem was destroyed and that

    the land of Judah was left completely desolate

    by the flight of the remaining Jews

    who had not been deported by Nebuchadnezzar.

    Ezra 3:1 officially corroborates

    the exact fulfillment of this prophecy by

    indicating that seventy years later—to

    the month—in Tishri 537 B.C.E. the sons

    of Israel were back in their cities.

    6. Why does 1 Samuel 16:10, 11 record David as

    the eighth son of Jesse, while Ezra records

    him as the seventh? (1 Chron. 2:15) [ Oct. 4,

    w02 9/15 p. 31] In Ezra’s day, there was a

    need to verify the tribal inheritances and

    guarantee that only authorized people

    would serve in the priesthood. Therefore,

    Ezra prepared a clear and dependable

    record of the lineage of Judah and David.

    Evidently, one son of Jesse did not

    live long enough to get married and

    have children. If that is true, he would

    thus have had no claim in the tribal

    inheritance nor any bearing on the genealogical

    records of Jesse’s lineage. Hence,

    his name was omitted.

    7. How can we imitate the example of the

    ancient Gileadites? (1 Chron. 5:10, 18-22)

    [ Oct. 11, w05 10/1 p. 9 par. 7] During

    Saul’s reign, the Israelites inhabiting

    the land east of the Jordan defeated the

    Hagrites even though the Israelites were

    outnumbered more than 2 to 1. This was

    because they looked to Jehovah for help.

    We too can trust in Jehovah as they did,

    equipped with “the large shield of faith”

    and “the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s

    word,” as we carry on our spiritual warfare

    against great odds. (Eph. 6:10-17)

    8. What lesson can be learned from the Levite

    gatekeepers? (1 Chron. 9:26, 27) [ Oct. 18,

    w05 10/1 p. 9 par. 8] The Levite gatekeepers

    occupied an office of great trust. They

    had the key that controlled entrance to

    the holy areas of the temple. They were

    reliable, opening the gates dependably

    each morning. We too have been given a

    unique trust, a special key, as it were,

    with which we can open up, morning by

    morning, the opportunity for others to

    worship Jehovah God. We should guard

    that trust well and use that key dependably.

    9. How important was singing in ancient Israel?

    (1 Chron. 9:33) [ Oct. 18, it- 2 p. 452

    par. 9] Great importance was attached

    to the singing at the temple. This is evident

    from the many Scriptural references

    to the singers as well as from the fact

    that they were “set free from duty” common

    to other Levites in order to devote

    themselves wholly to their service. “The

    singers” even continued as a special

    group of Levites after returning from

    Babylon. (Ezra 2:40, 41) Singing is likewise

    an important part of our worship.

    10. What was wrong with David’s reaction described

    at 1 Chronicles 13:11? [ Oct. 25, w05

    10/1 p. 11] David’s anger was not justified.

    The problem was the result of his failure

    to obey Jehovah’s specific instructions.

    (Num. 7:7-9) Apparently David analyzed

    the situation and corrected his mistake

    and successfully brought the Ark to Jerusalem

    using the proper method. Rather

    than becoming angry and blaming Jehovah

    when our efforts fail, we must

    analyze the situation and try to see what

    caused the failure.

    sa10 10-E

  • notverylikely

    Evidently, whatever the bible says that contradicts what it says can be fixed with an evident liberal application of the use of the word evidently.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I'm not sure why you insist on running ahead of Jehovah's chariot.

    But I'm glad you do.


  • notverylikely

    I'm not sure why you insist on running ahead of Jehovah's chariot.

    He should use faster horses.

  • Mythbuster
    so any answer that the audience gives that is appropriate and in harmony with our present understanding


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Save the GB some sweat - Let's talk about the "Future" (then present) understanding...

  • WTWizard

    Those answers are way ahead of time--what happens if some more new light comes along and something has to be adjusted between now and then? Perhaps because the apostates are picking apart their answers before they are even finalized, causing them to go out of date before the active witlesses even know what is going on.

  • yknot
  • NeonMadman

    There are only 10 questions on the Written Reviews these days?

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