sensitivity toward right and wrong

by man in black 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • man in black
    man in black

    This morning i was reading an article in the paper, and a referrence was made toward St. Augustine regarding his opinion on humility.

    Immeadly I felt upset, and after reflecting, I remember when i was a witness the Wt. made several comments over the years about how this man was a discouragement toward the true early/original jw's centuries ago.

    But, growing up as a Catholic, my grandparents attended a parish in Chicago St. Augustine, and throughout my younger years I learned quite a lot about the good that this man did, and the efforts he made to help the early christians.,

    (St. Frances was another example which I will not get into here)

    I feel that I'm starting to ramble on here,,,,,, sorry but my point is this :

    it seems that a lifetime of learning, and personal experiences was wiped clean suddenly because of the influence I allowed the wbts to have over me.

    One or two comments from the wt without any solid backing just changed my thinking totally.

    Has this happened to you, or was I just young and impressionable, and the after effects are still rising up years later ?

  • LittleSister

    Sadly as a born-in JW I don't have the experience of past teaching being wiped away, but I do shudder at how I failed to examine JW teachings more closely. I think it is the cult tactics that kept us from questioning what was being taught.

    The more I read now I can see how illogical JW doctrine is and also how intelligence is no protection from indoctrination.

    Sad though it is that you lost for a time the teachings you had at first be glad that you have found them again perhaps with a new appreciation.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Hi MIB,

    I’m also a born-in so like Little Sister I don’t have any former knowledge to fall back on.

    However, in the time since I left the JWs, I’ve learnt so much about Christianity without the JW goggles. I’ve visited the Vatican twice, and traveled through Europe so I’ve had the experience to visit many churches and learn the history properly. I’m always learning so much and I am grateful for the chance to live with my eyes finally opened.

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