Virginia's gangs now embracing Satanism

by Weeping 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    I do not lightly dismiss the concerns of poor children with single parents; however, me thinks condemning all such to a future of no choices, no options, fated commitment to murder and death at the hands of cops is a wee bit much. Just Google "famous children of single parents."

    To the OP, a lot of this Satanism-as-springboard-to-all-badness is just hysteria, and every case of "gangs of Satanism" roaming the dark streets of small town America that I have ever followed up on has been one or a few kids goofing off. The solitary ones have often been distrubed to the point where they really need professional help, but hardly ushering Hell into Earth.

    The Satanists I have known have been rather typical people (LaVeyan).

    I think we have here the making of a "horrors of Rock 'n' Roll" event, or perhaps "Reefer Madness": a lot of tempest in a pot of tea. Organized Satanist revolutionaries are much less common, and far better company, than Christians like the Westboro Baptists.

  • JeffT

    All of the self-described satanists I've known have never done anything more ambitious than sitting around listening to Ozzie Osbourne music and bitching about the low limit on the credit card mom and dad gave them.

  • A.Fenderson

    All of the self-described satanists I've known have never done anything more ambitious than sitting around listening to Ozzie Osbourne music and bitching about the low limit on the credit card mom and dad gave them.

    The ratio of Satanists who actually subscribe to it as a religion (or at least as a life-directing philosophy) versus those who would like you to think they are Satanists because they think it's cool is likely nearly identical to the ratio of nomimal Christians versues those who actually attempt to live their lives as Jesus supposedly taught: either way it's probably on the order of 10,000 to 1.

  • BackRoomBilly

    Another long day at the office....

    It's time to unwind with some "BLACK SABBATH" (back wards of course), a little DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, and who knows I might even crack open Ray Franz's book "CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE".

    GET THE GUN - GET THE GUN - SHOOT - SHOOT - SHOOT (ahhh that feels good)

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