What is the JW talk outline for a wedding at the KH? And vows.

by ThomasCovenant 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant

    Does anyone know what the vows are during a Witness wedding? Is there a wedding talk outline WT approved?

    Thanks in advance.

  • blondie

    ***w963/1p.19LivingUpToYourMarriageVow!***The Bible does not require specific procedures or a special kind of wedding ceremony. Yet, in recognition of its divine origin, marriage is customarily solemnized through the use of wedding vows during a religious ceremony. For some years Jehovah’s Witnesses have been using the following marriage vow: "I —— take you —— to be my wedded (wife/husband), to love and to cherish (Bride: and deeply respect) in accordance with the divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian (wives/husbands), for as long as we both shall live together on earth according to God’s marital arrangement."

    ** w74 5/1 p. 275 What Kind of a Wedding? ***In refreshing contrast to such trends, which dishonor the God-given state of marriage, Jehovah’s witnesses use the following vow, as was recommended in The Watchtower of March 15, 1969:

    For the groom: "I ————— take you ————— to be my wedded wife, to love and to cherish in accordance with the divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian husbands, for as long as we both shall live together on earth according to God’s marital arrangement."

    For the bride: "I ————— take you ————— to be my wedded husband, to love and to cherish and deeply respect, in accordance with the divine law as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian wives, for as long as we both shall live together on earth according to God’s marital arrangement."

  • blondie
  • Heaven

    Interesting how the husband doesn't have to vow to respect his wife.

    At my cousin's daughter's wedding, she was told that she was her husband's 'help mate'. She was definitely put in a subservient position.

  • ThomasCovenant


    thank you for your help. I do try searching first, both on the CD-rom 2003 and here, so as not to take up others' time but you seem to be so much better at it than me. Or anyone else it seems.


  • highdose

    I've attended many JW weddings, the greater part of the wedding talk is always about how the wife should be obediant to her husband, follow his lead and do whatever he says. Hardly anything is said about the husbands responsiblites to his wife. the rest of it is filled up with sales talk for the benifit of any non dubs that might be there.

    and of course theres always the annocement about no confetti

  • tenyearsafter

    Hmmm...my ex-wife must not have heard that part about "deeply respect"! LOL

  • A.Fenderson

    and of course theres always the annocement about no confetti

    Is this official WTS doctrine? I don't remember this aspect.

  • highdose

    A.fenderson: yes alongside partaking of the crackers and wine at the memorial the other thing dubs are terrifiled of is people throwing confetti!

    ... you would think Jehovah would be able to protect them but............. evidently he can't protect them against small thin coloured bits of paper!!!

  • A.Fenderson

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