Search and destroy mission

by man in black 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • man in black
    man in black

    As some of you know I have been known as lancelink here for some time. I basically outgrew my avitar, and felt that i needed to change.

    Anyway, in Sept 08 my Mom died, and several months later after seeing firsthand the "love" eminating from this so-called true religion

    I wrote a DA letter and walked away.

    My parents who lived across the country were so called "PT witnesses on the verge of fading", and in concern for my Dad, I told him over the past year that i no longer went to the hall, and wanted nothing to do with the witnesses anymore.

    I also told him why I left, and said that Mom would have left herself, if she had seen how our so called " jw friends" acted if I or my Dad had died first.

    But I did not tell him about the letter, I felt that he was not at that point yet, dealing with his wife's death was a little more difficult than what the jw's told him. (Sleeping, resurection, paradise, eternity, etc).

    One of my sisters was talking to him several weeks ago, and he told her the whole story. She is not a witness,so he is just blowing steam off at her.

    So the story goes, he was talking to one of our old cong. elders (he was one of the people who studied with my dad originally).

    And this guy just came out and told him the whole story, timeframe, letter contents, the whole ball of wax.

    Now he (my dad) doesn't call, and when I call the conversation is very basic, curt, and short.

    I was going to tell him all about the letter when I thought that he was doing a little better, but this elder just blew that whole story out of the water !

    My point in this little story is : do elders actually try and make family life harder by a search and destroy attitude when someone turns their back on the organization ?

    Do they think about the result of their actions at all ?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I would have to say that, yes, some of them are. Maybe they are trying to vent their frustrations at being elders by going off on the flock.

  • cantleave

    Elders are uncaring in these situations, as far as they are concerned, you do this to yourself. There is , in their eyes, no legitimate reason for anyone leaving the org, you are rejecting Jehovah and so your family must be given all the facts so they can be protected from your machinations.

    As leavingWT so often says "cults shoot their wounded!"

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