Tattoos in Hawai'i

by 5thGeneration 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    The thread on Hawaii today made me think of a question I've always had.

    I've spent a lot of time in Hawaii and I've always wondered how the cong deals with kids and tattoos. It's such a part of their culture I just don't see how they can frown on it that much.

    Anyone know?

  • XPeterX

    Do Jws there have tattoos?

  • Quirky1

    What thread on Hawaii?

  • cantleave

    xpeterx JW's are encouraged not to tattoo themselves. It is not a DFing offence but will result in restrictions if you get one. Anyone who came in with one must do their best not to display it.

  • 5thGeneration
  • dissed

    Last we were in Hawaii, my wife and daughter went crazy with those rub on ones. When we came back, neighbors and friends were teasing that they were 'biker chicks'. My daughter, now 18 still wants to have real ones. Arg!

  • spawn

    The GB are Old Farts and should wake up to the fact that tattoos are now part of everyday culture. people have tattoos today because they have a personal meaning to them not because they are stereo types.

    To be honest I had them before I got trapped and now that Im free Im in the chair having bigger and better ones done, I am addicted to the buzz of the gun and the pain it offers.

  • spawn

    The GB are Old Farts and should wake up to the fact that tattoos are now part of everyday culture. people have tattoos today because they have a personal meaning to them not because they are stereo types.

    To be honest I had them before I got trapped and now that Im free Im in the chair having bigger and better ones done, I am addicted to the buzz of the gun and the pain it offers.

  • spawn

    got carried away and hit the button twice, Sorry folks!!

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