
by poopsiecakes 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poopsiecakes

    These are things I always had a very hard time explaining and believing as a JW:

    1. Birthdays – whether at school or at work, this one was really tough to explain to a non JW. I mean seriously, makes absolutely zero logical sense…
    2. Salvation – it was very hard to wrap my head around the idea that a loving god could destroy billions of people; and this, AFTER reading the OT and the many baby slaughters therein…
    3. Smoking – say what you will about this unhealthy habit, making it a df’ing offence because of dubious ties to spiritism?? A tenuous stretch at best, and health reasons don’t wash either, considering the business McDonalds rakes in from them…
    4. Women – I could never make a logical argument why we were not allowed to give talks, but we were allowed to give talks sitting down talking to another woman while working on the same public speaking points as the men who at least got to stand up. How is this not teaching??? Oh, and the skirts rule always pissed me off too because there’s no way to logically (or biblically) explain it…
    5. Baptism of minors – I was 17 when I got baptized and done with high school, there was no way I would consider it before. When I was still a JW in my early 30’s, I was railing big time against 10 year olds being baptized and used as examples on the platform or in the WT. I refused to clap and made a point of folding my arms. (and yes, 17 is a minor but it’s not 10!)
    6. Animals – why would animals be created with defense mechanisms against predators if there were no predators prior to Adam’s sin? Was there more creation? Did these animals evolve? You see the problem and it was always a head-scratcher for me.

    Things I’m ashamed to admit I accepted without really thinking about:

    1. No Blood – I was really good at this one. I could have people at the door or at work convinced that this was absolute truth; first using that one measly scripture, then the AIDS scare was a positive boon. I did however, have a hard time with people who were df’d making a big deal about not accepting blood for religious reasons – I felt it was a bad witness.
    2. 607 – Good lord, I had no idea about ANY of that being disputed in scholarly circles and preached 1914 like a good little soldier.
    3. Organ transplants – I knew about the flip flop but did not consider the ramifications until I was well out of the snare.
    4. Disfellowshipping – This one hurts me the most in that I truly thought it was the only real way of distinguishing the true from the false religions. How sadly misguided, and how I dutifully did my part in shunning close friends who needed love and support through difficult times makes me hang my head in shame.

    There are many more, but these are the ones off the top of my head. I’d love to read what anyone else had tr

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Those are all things I wondered about too, especially, well ALL of them. Amazing how much a person can stuff away in their mind without going crazy. I think when you run out of room, you wake up.

    1. Worldwide flood-how did kangaroos get stuck on an island?- Did Noah let them out there only?

    2. No facial hair for men, except mustaches now.- Jesus had facial hair and professional men do today too.

    3. Animals get the same illnesses as humans and grow old like us.- Maybe physical bodies were never meant to last forever? Nothing physical has ever lasted forever.

    4. The light gets brighter.- How does jumping back and forth on silly things like the Sodomites will/won't be resurrected show progressively increasing light/understanding.

    5. How exactly do the anointed get their information from God?-They never come anywhere close to explaining this one. Talk about religious mystery.

  • poopsiecakes

    Hi choosing! SO true on all points, but how could I forget the flood thing and beards?? I have a fondness for men with facial hair - my ex husband used to grow his beard on vacations and when we got home he'd keep it as long as possible but the inevitable talk on the school would force him to shave it off; always a day of mourning for me. As for the flood, I mean really...there are new species being discovered all the time even now so that must have been one hell of a boat (unless they evolved...hmmm)!

  • parakeet

    I used to ask elders about these things until they forbade more questions on the grounds that I was spiritually weak.

    Worldwide flood-how did kangaroos get stuck on an island?

    It's even more complicated than that. All indigenous mammals in Australia are marsupials. Noah would have had to drop off, not just kangaroos, but all of Australia's marsupials at the same time. And then he would have had to float about 5,000 miles back to the Middle East. Must have been some mean currents in that flood.

  • LockedChaos

    Heh, Heh


  • etna

    I too could never explain how I believed it ALL. And not talk to disfellowshiped ones (what a self-righteous idiot). My best friend is dfs, I've faded, but I will never be a hypocrite again!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Hi pcakes, my husband did the same thing on vacation, not shave. I like facial hair on men too and it always had to go before we returned to the hall.

    Parakeet, thanks for the info. I can hear it now, "All marsupials get out here, no exceptions." And you know that Noah's god could easily create the current to send him 5000 miles to the next stop.

    I wonder if anyone ever brought this up to those who wrote this crazy stuff? Do they think we are just plain stupid? Wait, don't answer that last one.

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