
by behemot 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • behemot

    source: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2009/10/its_a_gateway_drug_to_a_lifeti.php

    (the blog of biologist MZ Myers)

    It's a gateway drug to a lifetime of depravity!

    Category: Religion
    Posted on: October 12, 2009 10:14 PM, by PZ Myers

    I was sent this scan of a delightful article from Watchtower Magazine — you know, that bizarre piece of pulp from the Jehovah's Witnesses. Look at their list of wicked temptations that might lead a faithful person into a life of sin. Take special note of #2.

    "A well-intentioned teacher urges you to pursue higher education at a university." Oooh. Sends a chill down my spine.

    I guess I'm even more evil than I, or the Jehovah's Witnesses, can imagine. I've urged many students to go on to graduate school, which as all of you advanced students know, is where all the real licentiousness, wickedness, baby barbecues, and bonobo sex goes on.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Although education is the devils work, I have encouraged both my wife and sister in law to pursue education as it the gateway out of poverty. Their non educated JW Mom provided enough for both of her daughters to recieve AA's and continue to a BA. So there WTB&TS :p

  • Narkissos

    The list of comments (in just 2 days) is impressive...

  • quietlyleaving

    here is a comment from one that got away

    Posted by: John A. | October 12, 2009 11:56 PM

    Having grown up in a JW household ... it is an EVIL EVIL organization. What they do to their followers is nothing short of brainwashing and mental abuse. The absolute FEAR they ingrain in you in order to keep you in their "happy" little flock is nothing short of suffocating. If you displease them, even in thought, they will "expel" you. What that means is that you are still allowed to attend their meetings, but no one, not even your family is allowed to speak to you or acknowledge your existence (less they be tainted). Or face expulsion themselves. And since you are not allowed to have friends outside of their group ... then that means that you are effectively cut off from the world, left completely alone. A terrible thing, nothing short of torture. I left as soon as I turned 18, and moved away to college. I refused to write them a letter renouncing my "membership" and declaring myself an Apostate, as they demanded.

    The first 18 years of my life where a living hell, especially since I was a secret atheist since I was first able to reason (age 6 or so). Oh, and did I mention that I'm gay? Yeah ... that went well. My brother is gay as well (in denial, although he "confessed" to me) and he believes that he is a terrible sinner for having such feelings, and spends all of his energy in that religion ... even though it's killing him inside. And he won't talk to me, because you know ... I'm worse than a murdered and child rapist ... I'm an APOSTATE!

    My parents are good people, they really are, I realize that now. It's just so sad that they are so thoroughly brainwashed. It saddens me to watch my younger siblings grow up in that environment ... but there is hope. My little brother, when he was 5 y/o said to my father "Jehovah does not exist, I can't see him". Wise words from the mouths of younglings indeed.

    (children know the truth. The above reminded me of my granddaughter who is 4 and was being questioned by her parents on where she'd heard what she was saying and she emphatically replied "I'm telling you from my own mind")

    I am now gladly the owner of a graduate degree, so they can shove their Watchtower into the deepest recesses of their anal cavities. So deep in fact, that it ruptures an artery, requiring immediate blood transfusions. Which, of course, they will refuse because of some archaic verse in the Bible that they themselves can't even explain.

    Morons ...

  • behemot

    I liked this comment:

    Posted by: cpsmith October 12, 2009 11:39 PM

    A Jehovah's Witness was visiting me on a regular basis ever since I returned to the city to continue school. When I told her I had just gotten a bachelor's degree in biochemistry she brought me a copy of AWAKE which dealt with the topic of evolution. I don't think it had the effect on me she intended. The only decent argument in the entire magazine was that if evolution is true then the bible makes no sense. That much I could agree with, but unfortunately the rest was an astounding blend of misunderstandings, quote-mining and what had to be deliberate lies. The Jehovah's Witness returned a week after dropping the magazine off and she asked what I thought of it. I told her exactly what I thought of it. She never came back.

  • quietlyleaving

    this one is a little controversial but it gave me a laugh

    Posted by: Jello | October 12, 2009 11:41 PM

    Wait, so if every Jehovah's Witness does as this pamphlet instructs, we and our children won't have to worry about competing with or having to put up with these god walloping doofs in the higher education system, job market and political elections? Ummm, what the down side? Seriously, if their solution to the 'problem' of liberal universities is to call a full retreat then we've just scored a major victory without really trying. Now if only we could get all the other sects of bible bangers to forsake college the Republican party would all but cease to exist. One can dream.

  • betweenworlds

    hehe! Saw PZ post this on his Twitter account yesterday. Makes you realize how truely looney the witnesses appear to sane folks.

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