Another WTBTS False Teaching...

by AGuest 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace...

    For those of you who still wish to put some 'store' in what the WTBTS teaches:

    I cannot remember the exact date of when the "Society" once again attempted to fulfill Revelation 22:18, 19 (and succeeded) with this teaching (I truthfully do not think of them very often anymore), but I am compelled by the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, holy spirit, that is in me by means of my Lord, His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, to point out yet another 'error'.

    Some time ago, the "Society" taught a 'change' in the meaning of the words at Luke 2:14. To wit, THEY said (and, thus, so does the NWT), that the true wording is:

    "Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace
    peace among men of good will."

    However, that is an erroneous rendering of what is written in Greek. In TRUTH, what was written and MEANST was:

    "Glory to God in the HIGHEST...

    - Meaning there is no HIGHER glory to be given than that to be given to Almighty God, the Holy One of Israel and God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... in heaven AND on earth... even the glory given to the Christ. For while my Lord has been glorified and IS glorified... his glory is NOT the 'highest'. Such belongs to my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, as even my Lord himself acknowledged: "The Father is GREATER than I am."

    And such glory was NOT only 'in the heights', as the WTBTS erroneously teaches, but had now become manifest 'on the EARTH' as well! For such glory was manifested in that my Lord is "the RELFECTION of His glory and the EXACT representation of His very being." No, my Lord is NOT the Holy One of Israel... but the 'reflection' of that One. Just as when looking in a mirror, then, one sees oneself, but the 'image' is NOT one's self... when looking at my Lord, my brothers saw... and I see... the Father. Since no man can see God and live, my Father gave mankind an 'image' upon which to gaze. My Lord, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    For just as Moses lifted up the copper serpent in the wilderness, so, too, the Son must be lifted up. HIS face... we CAN 'behold'... and still live. However, just like then, had the Israelites looked at the one HOLDING the copper serpent, Moses, they would have died. Dear ones, it was the 'IMAGE' that they had to put their gaze on... and NOT the one HOLDING UP the image. The same is today: our gaze is NOT to be upon God, the one holding UP the Christ... but upon the One God... is holding up. HIS 'image'... His Son. Something that WE did not 'make'... after 'anything that is in heaven or on earth'... but that HE created and gave us.)

    and on earth peace...

    - Which was TRUTH, for at that particular time, peace WAS 'on earth'... and through such peace God... was 'with' mankind... in that the physical manifestation of TRUE PEACE... the PRINCE of peace, my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... was indeed 'on the earth'.

    goodwill toward man."

    - In that God had once again held out an 'olive branch'... a root... 'SPROUT'!... and allowed the 'dove' of His spirit to be made available toward man, by means of the person of my Lord.

    God, then... in sending Christ... OFFERED A GOODWILL GESTURE TOWARD MANKIND... HIS SON... IF... they would RECEIVE such one. And all those that DID... received not only God's good will... but His peace. For His Son came to earth AS A MEANS OF PEACE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN, as OFFERED... by God. 'Peace'... "not the way the world gives it, but [HIS] peace"... that which is between God... and man. Yes, indeed, he came to bring not peace, but a sword... but such sword was for those who would NOT receive him... and thus divided households.

    However, those who DID receive him... and do yet receive him... receive TRUE peace, "not the way the world gives it", but by means of a CLEANSED conscious by means of holy spirit! That, dear ones, is the 'baptism' that is 'saving' us... not the putting away of the filth of the flesh... but... THE REQUEST TO GOD FOR A CLEAN CONSCIENCE. This is the 'baptism with spirit' that John the Baptist spoke about!

    Such ones then KNOW that as long as they remain 'in union' with Christ... they have "NO condemnation". Such ones can live, then... and sleep... without worry, without heavy hearts, without burdened consciences, and without fear of condemnation and everlasting death. Because they have been granted to 'enter'... by means of the 'door' that is the CHRIST... into' [God's] 'rest'.

    May the one that is wishing, and thirsting, and has 'ears' to hear... hear what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:

    "COME! Take 'life's water'... free!"

    A servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,


  • battman


  • Dan B
    Dan B


    How many words per minute do you type?


  • Julie

    I am curious Shelby,

    You claim only some of the bible is inspired and that you are not limited to some book re: your beliefs. Hey that's great I don't get any of my beliefs from any books so I can relate to that. What I do not fully understand is how all of your beliefs seem rooted in the bible and then, of course, your own interpretation of the bible.

    So if someone is looking to be a true worshipper/follower of The Lord, what is one to follow if not "God's Word"? I have seen you say we are all capable of "'hearing'" God's messages and we just need to open our "'spiritual'" ears, like you. But then you post info as you are "permitted". That makes me think you "'hear'" stuff all are not privvy to. I've also seen you refer to yourself as a "chosen one", or at least likened yourself to them. Is this something that one attains from "'hearing'" and "'listening'"? I mean if the "'way'" to God isn't the bible, what is then? You seem to think you have it. How do others get to where you feel you have gotten to?

    Curiously yours,

  • AGuest

    Dearest Julie... peace to you!

    I will respond, if I may. Thank you. You said:

    I am curious Shelby... you claim only some of the bible is inspired and that you are not limited to some book re: your beliefs.
    That is quite correct. Not all of the Bible is 'inspired'. Luke, for example, even lets us KNOW that his books (Gospel and Acts) were not, stating that they were written at the behest of the Roman ruler Theophilus (and not God or Christ), and that he got HIS information from those who DID know and see things (and not God or Christ). For something to be 'inspired' of God... it would have to have come directly FROM God... or from God by means of Christ. Either way.

    Hey that's great I don't get any of my beliefs from any books so I can relate to that.
    Cool. I am glad we see a bit eye to eye on SOMETHING.

    What I do not fully understand is how all of your beliefs seem rooted in the bible and then, of course, your own interpretation of the bible.
    Well, in truth, Julie, not ALL of my 'beliefs'. I will tell you how my Lord said it to me: "Everything that I will tell you has been written, in the scriptures and other writings. Yet, not everything that is WRITTEN is what I will tell you. For false scribes have added to and taken away. If, therefore, you wish to know what is TRUTH, then you must listen to me. For "all the sayings of MY mouth are in righteousnes. Among them, there is NOTHING crooked."

    John 5:39, 40
    Proverbs 8:7, 8

    In that "Light", then, I interpret NOTHING. I go with what I hear from him. He knows what he meant... or what my Father meant... when things were handed down to be written, as well as the heart of those who wrote but were NOT under inspiration.

    Now, me? Girlfriend, I have tried SO hard to tell you that I don't know this stuff! Julie, I am NO different or better than you... or anyone else. TRULY! The ONLY difference is that I LISTEN... and don't dismiss what I hear as coming from myself, or demons, or drugs or whatever. I KNOW who is speaking, and I give the credit TO that One.

    So if someone is looking to be a true worshipper/follower of The Lord, what is one to follow if not "God's Word"?
    God's Word IS the One to be followed, Julie. But... the BIBLE... is NOT God's "Word"!

    John 1:1, 14
    Revelation 19:13

    The REASON that the 'scriptures' and verses are included is SOLELY for the purpose of those who CANNOT 'hear' truth... but MUST have a means to 'test the inspired expression'. I can say God/Christ told me such and such all day long; some, though, need to see if what I say I am told... is TRUTH... and the scriptures/verses is their only means of believing that. IF, however, they would just LISTEN... they, too, would hear what I hear. For my Lord speaks to ALL. Unfortunately, not all 'hear'.

    I have seen you say we are all capable of "'hearing'" God's messages and we just need to open our "'spiritual'" ears, like you.
    Actually, you cannot open your own 'ears'. You can, however, open your HEART... and RECEIVE them INTO it... and then THEY... will open your ears. And your eyes.

    But then you post info as you are "permitted".
    Well, honey, what I share is NOT mine! If I were to say it was, I would be guilty of plagerism... among other things. Not giving glory to God and Christ, another.

    That makes me think you "'hear'" stuff all are not privvy to.
    Not true. Only difference? I am 'willing' to hear. Are you? TRULY?! Because many SAY they are, but then wish to pick and choose what they hear. Believe me, I don't always hear 'good' stuff... in fact, MOST of what I 'hear' has to do with ME. But... I don't reject it. I figure, they know me better than I do, and if THEY say something exists in me, well, who am I to argue? I accept it. And I obey what I am told. For that reason, I am 'given' more. That's it; that's all.

    I've also seen you refer to yourself as a "chosen one", or at least likened yourself to them. Is this something that one attains from "'hearing'" and "'listening'"?
    By the word 'chosen', that is what an 'anointing' is. And I have received the promised holy spirit, thus been 'anointed' and therefore, chosen. Doesn't mean I can't reject it, though. Some do. One receives such 'choosing' in the following way:

    1. One has prepared one's heart to receive God and Christ; therefore, one 'wishes' to receive holy spirit... life's 'water'.

    Acts 10:4, 44, 45
    Revelation 22:17

    2. My Father, JAH OF ARMIES, 'hears' the 'heart' of such one... and
    'draws' such one to Christ.

    John 6:44

    3. Such one can be drawn... or pulled away. Free choice.

    Genesis 4:7
    John 12:6
    John 13:27

    4. God's Word, the Christ, then 'examines' such one... and if such one is found 'deserving'... chooses such one and manifests such choosing by pouring out holy spirit upon such one to 'cleanse' them, so that he and the Father can thereafter 'enter' into such one and dwell/reside IN them.

    John 1:47, 48
    Hebrews 4:12, 13

    Such 'deserving' is not based on such one's 'worthiness', for we are, NONE of us, 'worthy'. In fact, such choosing is due to UNDESERVED kindness. But what makes one 'deserving' is that one demonstrates a heart that CAN be written on... that either has the 'law' of love... which is born out in MERCY and FORGIVENESS... written ON it, or will accept the writing of such law upon it. If one is the type to foster hatred, hypocrisy and animosity, such one is 'unclean'... and therefore, 'undeserving'. That's it; that's all.

    Acts 10:4

    And MANY are invited (drawn to the Christ by the Father), but FEW... are chosen.

    I mean if the "'way'" to God isn't the bible, what is then?
    It was my Lord who said: "I am the Way... and the Truth... and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father, EXCEPT THROUGH ME."

    John 14:6

    You seem to think you have it.
    "Have" it? Okay, dear one. The task, however, is to KEEP it.

    John 15:4-7

    How do others get to where you feel you have gotten to?
    It is VERY easy, dear Julie. VERY. All one need do is STOP listening to earthling man, and STOP putting their trust in earthling man, and STOP following earthling man... and LISTEN to, TRUST and FOLLOW... the Lamb of God... wherever HE goes. And all it takes is faith... "the size of a mustard seed". Faith that does not care whether others think you crazy or mad or delusional... faith that will prompt you to BUILD that ark, even though it has never rained by YOU know you heard the command... faith to go to whomever you are sent and speak whatever you are told to speak, whether they 'hear'... or they 'refrain', for you KNOW that what you are speaking is NOT yours... but His that 'sent' you.

    Curiously yours,
    And there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with curiosity, dear Julie. Nothing at all. I only hope that by means of the spirit of my Father that is in me, by means of Christ, I have been able to help assauge some of yours.

    May the undeserved kindess and mercy of my God and Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon YOU... if you so 'wish'... and if YOU are indeed 'thirsting'... and if you are 'hearing'... to time indefinite. If so, then I invite you, too, to:

    "COME! Take 'life's water'... free!"

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • Julie

    Hi Shelby,

    You said:
    ... the BIBLE... is NOT God's "Word"!

    There is another thing we can agree on.

    On this whole hearing thing, as I was reading your words I will tell you what occured to me: When I was a child I saw things, things I *knew* were wrong but could not do anything about it. One would think a child would learn such behaviors and not *know* them to be wrong but I always did, for some reason.

    I still have that inner "child" voice that tells me when something's just Wrong and I listen to it. Have regretted deeply any time I haven't, never once regretted listneing to it. It kept me out of the WT, there is one example. I just knew something was fishy about what they were selling.

    I guess you and I have reached our certain levels of contentment regarding our spirituality and "voices" and have just landed in places where we see the source differently. Interesting though.

    Regards and thanks for your explanations Shelby,

  • AGuest

    Dearest Julie... peace to you.. and guess what?!

    That IS the same voice that I speak of. When I was a child, I did not question or doubt it, although I did not know its source. Not really. Unfortunately, as I grew older I began to 'think' for myself... much to my own detriment. That same voice told ME to stay out of the WTBTS, too. Did I listen? Well...

    The thing IS... I didn't know WHOSE 'voice' it was, until he came to me and told me. That is why I say that ALL of us have the CAPABILITY to hear. NOW I know who it is and so I listen even harder. That is why I 'hear'. All YOU have to do is recognize who it is... listen... and respond to or obey HIM.

    Anyway, all of us hear that same voice and as children have no problem with it. That is because as children we trust openly and see things a bit more purely. As we age, though, our own doubt, coupled with that put in us by the 'world' ("Susie, you're crazy. You HAVE no invisible friend, so stop talking to him, cause only CRAZY people talk to friends they can't see..."), leads us AWAY from him... rather than closer TO him.

    Some even label it: 'intuition', a 'feeling', 'something told me', even our own mind and thoughts. But a child knows it is not these things... and has no doubt... because they are things that he/she COULDN'T have known on his/her own. And that is what YOU listened to, the 'voice' that was IN you... that told YOU what was right or wrong so that you 'knew'. Julie, it was NOT a feeling... but a voice. The one of whom my Father says, "LISTEN TO HIM."

    Because he DOES speak to us... 'from the heavens'... which is NOT some laser light years away from us... but is IN us... for the kingdom... is 'in our MIDST'. God and Christ do not reside OUTSIDE of us, Julie... but dwell IN us. When we are young... and our hearts still 'pure'... they can dwell there. But as we age and become less 'clean' INSIDE... due to hatred, hypocrisy, etc., they cannot. But they don't leave us... we... leave them. That is why we are ALL of us... 'prodigal sons'.

    And yet, all of us CAN 'return home'... if we so wish it. For the heart of the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, is merciful... and READY to forgive... in a LARGE way.

    Again, I bid you peace,

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • lauralisa

    Looks at Julie with different eyes

    Waits for Shelby to respond

    Thinks all "knowledge" is science fiction fodder....

    Wonders what the fuck....

    when will this existence justify itself...?

    wonders why god makes it so freakishly incomprehensible

    Puzzles are fun, but if there is no complete picture that is actually discernable in the end, they draw us towards insanity

    what is the purpose of that

    yeah, okay


  • AGuest
    Waits for Shelby to respond...

    Okay, thank you... and peace to you...

    wonders why god makes it so freakishly incomprehensible...
    SJ responds: Methinks your blame is misdirected, dear LauraLisa. To wit:

    has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that
    the illlumination of the glorious goods news
    about the Christ, who is the image of God...
    might NOT shine through."

    Seems you might be blaming the wrong 'god' here, dear one. Since you used a lower case 'g', though, I am not so sure. I assume you mean Almighty God, however, the Holy One of Israel, JAH, and to that I must say, nope, it was not THAT God that made things so "freakishly incomprehensible." In fact, HE has done just the opposite in that HE has given us a 'light'... and a 'way'... to comprehend ALL things.

    Peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


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