Was it luck, or something else?

by keyser soze 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Yesterday, the company I work for had its annual golf outing. I was teamed up with three other guys. I was playing the worst round of my life, which is saying a lot. Then, on the ninth hole, something happened, something profound, that would change the course of history.

    We were playing best ball, which means we would all hit from the point of the best shot. We hadn't used a single one of my shots up to that point. We were on the green, on the ninth hole. I estimate the shot at about thirty feet. It was angled downward approximately 5 degrees, with a slight curve to the right. Even completely sober, which at that point I was not, it was an impossible shot for a golfer of such minimal talent as myself.

    At that moment, I turned to my teammates, and loudly, and somewhat incoherently proclaimed, "As God is my witness, before the 18th hole is done, I will do something to help this team!" Immediately after that, as I readied for my putt, I saw the heavens open up.(Maybe it was the clouds parting to make way for the sun. The weather was kind of funky yesterday.)

    As my club made contact with the ball, my body felt a strange sensation, as if some strange, cosmic force were overtaking it. I followed the path of the ball, and I could almost see the hand of God guiding it into the hole. A perfect shot, to the amazement of myself and my teammates. We birdied the ninth hole.

  • Robdar


    Maybe you should call on God's help more often?

    Just don't yell "rat farts" while on the green:


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, god is found with a golf club at the bottom of a bottle?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    So, god is found with a golf club at the bottom of a bottle?

    He works in mysterious ways.

  • BizzyBee

    Congrats, Keyser! Clearly and without doubt, it was the hand of a supernatural force at work on your behalf. After all, how else do mere mortals make amazing putts?

  • Son of Man
    Son of Man

    Who would benefit from it all if GOD had a hand in helping you make the shot? The fact that people waste so much land in creating golf courses should tell you something. Does GOD feel that it is right to use the land in this way? I would say not. Perhaps GOD had a hand in it in order for me to post this message to you. I would then say that yes, GOD did have a hand in it. I am witness to this since I am reading your experience.......


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    The fact that people waste so much land in creating golf courses should tell you something. Does GOD feel that it is right to use the land in this way?

    I can think of worse uses of land, like Wal-Mart, for instance.

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