Smarmy Awake totally supporting UN

by Dogpatch 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I am preparing a major upgrade on my book, "Thus Saith the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses," which I may retitle "Thus Saith the Watchtower." Anyway, I am putting in dozens of pages updating stuff on voting, pedophiles, the media and deception, and most notably the United Nations issue. What amazes me is over HALF of the November 22, 1998 Awake! is a full-blown advertisement for the United Nations! Unbeleiveable. Not a bad word for them in the entire article. No wonder they submitted this issue to the U.N.'s NGO dept. as part of their obligation as an NGO! It totally sells them, like very smarmy!
    I can't believe their hypocrisy, even after all these years.
    Randy Watters

  • unclebruce

    G'day Randy,

    This is on the level right? (to coin an old freemason term) I'm forbidden to read anything published by the WBTS by my doctor and my JW relatives but I am sitting here in drop jawed disbelief. Unbelievable! I suppose even a seven headed antichrist has its good points lol. Geez what next? Articles extolling the virtues of fornicating presidents and drunken old harlots?

    Lord Rutherford must be turning in his grave (wherever that might be)


  • Dogpatch

    Stop now unclebruce!
    You will lose all your mind if you

    by the way, Lord of the Rings gets an A+ from me, saw it in a stadium theater last night!

  • ElijahTheThird

    Hey they have no choice but to support the UN. You can't buy or sell on the international market with out the aproval (mark) of the "beast". Hell, you have to support the demoncratic way don't you? (did I mis spell that? *chuckles*)

  • unclebruce

    Hey Randy,

    Good work. Are JWs really so 'out of it' that article got published without big ripples in the pond? The GB Ministry of truth must think they're Gods.

    Lord of the Rings starts screening here boxing day (26th) I'll be taking in the scenery and set design more than anything. I'm building from large timber and stone and have already incorporated some of the designs into my building plans. My 'bushfire bunker' will closely match Bag End hobbit hole. I've had a long interest in Celtic and science fiction artwork. Antique restoration and blacksmithing were an obssession for a while so i'm really looking forward to creating some masterpieces in the forest next year. With any luck I'll post photos as I go. (a blokes gotta show off)

    unclebruce, drawing pad at the ready.


    G'day ElijahIII,

    Don't tell me WBTS publiications are barcoded now? Well, scan me watchtowers and download me awakes!


    "I like Jesus better dead than alive" Apostate Paul Unc 6/9

  • MrMoe

    Thanks Randy. I must say the WT makes me want to throw up. My stomach is churning as we speak.

  • Frenchy

    What would have happened to Mrs Roosevelt if she had been a baptized witness and with her ‘exceptional leadership’ would have dared to do such thing?

    And as for the declaration itself, well how does one reconcile this triumph of freedom coming from the ‘disgusting thing’ in light of that famous passage from the sermon on the mount:

    ::: By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but the corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. – Matt 7:16-18 ASV:::

  • one

    seriously joking

    the UN and/or some top intelligence agency called, around 1990, the WT and told:

    "Freddy is about to die, this is a good chance for you to STOP printing crap about the UN and government."

    "you have one of two choices and here are the results in each case. And dont forget that we put Rutherfor in jail once and that we know some of your litle secrets." Also we can set up a military court when the objective justify the means.

    dont worry this can be just between Barry and me, Barry and and i wont say a word to the public no matter what.

    BTW how hard do you think it is for an 'agency' to use the wt as a vehicle.

  • Wren

    I'd been an inactive JW for more than a decade when that article came out. I happened to read it and thought "how nice the JW s are supporting human rights, they must be getting away from the their fire & brimstone views". The new approach 'using the wild beast to promote Watchtower' worked for 10 years. Are JWs accustomed to smarmy? Yes.

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