Any great elder or JW experiences?

by cognac 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I was in an abusive marriage. These elders were so incredibly loving that I really believed even in there mistakes they were directed by God. Mistakes that could have and did cause me physical harm by my ex. The PO and I became very close friends. We still talk to this day although he is no longer a PO because his daughter got d'fed. He had tears in his eyes when he found out what went on with my ex and what a certain elder knew. I told him that I trusted this elder. I even trusted his mistakes were directed by God. I felt that sometimes what we see as mistakes we actually get a better outcome. I still love that elder very dearly and will always keep him very close to my heart. Eventually this elder stepped down. He said his heart could no longer handle being an elder in dealing with the problems.

    What did this elder do that was so wonderful in my eyes? He really was loving. He and his wife held and embraced me when I was going through terrible things. They were my best friends. They just held me when I needed to be held. They loved me when I needed somebody to love me unconditionally.

    They begged me to get a restraining order even though I wouldn't. I wouldn't bring reproach upon Jehovah's organization. I told them that. They didn't see eye to eye with me on that. He begged me to run away. Go live with my parents that lived in another state. I still would not. He was really afraid for me. I wouldn't leave without scriptural grounds for divorce. Him and his wife would drive around with me trying to help me get my proof. He couldn't handle my "conscience matter" decision. He is no longer an elder.

    I will never forget the love they showed me. It was a real love. I still believe I could call him to this day and tell him I'm an apostate and he would still love me.

    You ever have really good JW experiences?

  • bluecanary

    Wow, this thread is 13 hours old and nobody's bitten. What does that tell you?

    I can think of three elders (and their respective wives) who were very nice to my family, helped us when we needed it, and never tried to be the master over us. This is out of six congregations that I've been in. Peace and happiness to the good ones!

  • lurk3r

    He really was loving.

    Just like anywhere in the world, there are good and not so good people. Thank you for posting this. I too have met many wonderful elders, and have seen some very loving acts of kindness over the years with such ones. Their not all bad.

  • VIII

    I just saw this thread and it tells me that there aren't too many *great elders or JW experiences*.

    Also, since so many EW-JWs on this board were elders, I'm wondering about all the *great* things they did to the R & F. Like during JCs etc?

    That is the kind of stuff that people like me remember.

    Your thread hits home. My mom was in an incredibly abusive marriage (she got beat black and blue more times than I can count). She decided to say "F" the spiritual reason for a divorce and "F" the "bringing reproach on Jehovahs name" shit. She threw the bQstard out and got a divorce. Not one elder said a word to her. Not one. They also knew that I would give them hell because they were silent when she came to the Kingdum Hall beat to hell. Not one asked a simple question--"Why" or "How can we help?"

    I despise them all. If Armageddon does happen, those MFers will all fry. My blood pressure rises when I remember that.

  • BonaFide

    I have had several great experiences. Once when I was a missionary, I was mugged. Very frightening. Another circuit overseer talked to me several times, came over the missionary home, and was really a help to me. He is so sincere, I wonder if he realized the truth yet.

    Another time when I needed some surgery, I called New York Bethel. They put me through to the Service Department. They said to write a letter explaining my needs, but to go ahead and make my travel arrangements at the same time. They said the letter was a formality, but that they would pay for the surgery. So I did that, and I flew from my assignment to NY. A Bethelite picked me up at the airport, took me to my room in the 119 building. They put me as a guest so that I wouldn't have to work in Laundry after surgery. I stayed there a month. At my doctor appointments I was instructed to just say "Watchtower" when they asked for my insurance. I never saw a bill.

    As a missionary I had to console and help a lot of people. I wasn't qualified, but I did my best. I like to think I was loving and patient, but I did disfellowship some.

    Since then, I have had the opportunity to apologize to two people I had dealings with, one an elder I removed, and the other one the disassociated sister I mentioned two days ago.

    I am finding out more and more that there are good and bad people in any Organization.


  • VIII

    Position has privileges.

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