Blood Fractions - did this allowance start in 1990??

by insearchoftruth 13 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • glenster

    For 1958, I have:

    In 1958, "While God did not intend for man to contaminate his blood stream by
    vaccines, serums or blood fractions, doing so does not seem to be included in
    God's expressed will forbidding blood as food. It would therefore be a matter
    of individual judgment whether one accepted such types of medication or not."
    ("The Watchtower," Sept.15, 1958, p.575)

    I have a list of the JWs leaders' rules about it, which shows how their rules
    changed back and forth, at the next link.

  • jamiebowers
  • TD

    The allowance of IgG (Gamma globulin) started in 1958. In was allowed on the basis that it, "Did not nourish the body." Other plasma fractions were gradually allowed after that on the same basis. By the late 70's every single plasma fraction was allowed. (Gamma globulin, albumin, RhoGAM, etc.)

    In June of 1982, the 1958 rationale for the allowance of fractions was replaced. Blood was divided into "Major" and "Minor" components with the major ones forbidden and the minor ones allowed. The result was similar to what we have today. Plasma fractions were allowed and Whole blood, Red cells, White cells, Plasma and Platelets were forbidden.

    In June of 1990, the 1982 rationale for the allowance of fractions was replaced. The deciding factor in the allowance of fractions now was whether or not they crossed the placenta during gestation. The idea was that these were sanctioned by "Natural consequence" (i.e. Creation itself.) Nothing was changed as far as what was allowed or forbidden.

    In June of 2000, the 1990 rationale for the allowance of fractions was replaced. Blood was now divided into "Primary" and "Secondary" components. This was a significant change. Up until this point, plasma fractions were the only ones that were allowed. Now fractions of "Any primary component" were allowed. This made several new preparations acceptable including any of the hemoglobin based blood substitutes.

    Since then, people have somehow gotten the idea that the allowance of blood fractions started in the year 2000. This is wrong though. Blood fractions have been allowed for 50+ years.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Do you know Watchtower’s current position allows transfusion of cryoprecipitate AND cryosupernatant?

    Think about that the next time a Witness tells you “We do not accept transfusion of plasma!”

    Marvin Shilmer

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