Found myself singing a gospel. Strange

by Sparkplug 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sparkplug

    I had a funeral for a baby to go to. He was only a few months old. During the services, the pastor had everyone sing a gospel. Well, I don't really know any. Before I knew it, I was clapping and singing, "This little light of mine."


    It was different. Very sad, and they did not have but a few phone photos of him. So they had me take photos for them when all left. It really freaked me out. I was shaking so badly, then I about passed out. I am not afraid of death or dead people. I figure once this trip through life was over, then it is done. I prefer to not die and I don't want some painful death, but somehow, that little child there, just really messed me up.


    I understood how the pastor was trying to comfort everyone with God's needs. It did not help me.

  • Yizuman

    Mind control at work.

    How long were you out of this so called, "truth"?


  • Sparkplug


    This was not a JW funeral. Actually much better than any funeral I had seen. I have been out for 13 years...give or take. This was not about JW teachings, it was more of how young this child was, and how do you comfort anyone with that? I think it is just a bit of hold who you love, keep on going.

  • carla

    Baby funerals are the worst, my sympathies.

  • Yizuman

    Yeah, they are. Had a friend whose baby died from SIDS. Great tragedy. It was hard seeing a baby in a casket. No parent should ever outlive their child.


  • Chalam

    Hi Sparkplug,

    I was brought up in a Christian home (born again). I walked away from the Church and faith at 16.

    About five years later my mum died from cancer. I went to the hospice and they said did I want to go in to see her? Something said I should, so I did.

    I had never seen a dead body before so I didn't know quite what to expect. And there she was, save she wasn't! On seeing her body I immediately got the sense she wasn't there, I was just looking at the carcass, the shell, please forgive the expression. I knew she had left in a profound way. She had gone, all that was left was the body and she was actually elsewhere.

    Anyhow, something happened to you at that funeral. Unexplainable tears are always a good sign :) My wife cried for weeks when she came to church. Something shows in the physical and emotional when things are being stirred deep down in the spirit. I expect you actually felt a strange sense of peace at the funeral? I felt that when I saw my mother's body.

    Your mind will explain all of this away with "logic" and such, especially as you have likely been through the JW mill?

    All the best,


  • BluesBrother

    That does sounnd bizarre, Sparkplug....My sympathies especially about the photograph

    I understood how the pastor was trying to comfort everyone with God's needs.

    The last two Witness funerals (They seem to favour "memorial service" at the K Hall these days ), the elder conducting it seemed to be tryying too hard to lighten things up, to the point IMHO of being disrespectful....You do not want jokes at a funeral !

  • SixofNine

    That is too awful for words, (((Decki)))

    I hope the family will be ok.

  • straightshooter

    My sincere sympathy about this death. A death of anyone close is a loss, but especially a child. I hope that you and the family will be able to cope this sad loss.

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