Watchtower Amnesty Day -- What If It Really Happened?

by CrimsonBleu 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrimsonBleu

    Have you ever considered what effect one day of amnesty would have on the members of the Watchtower Society?

    Ponder this for a few moments: Watchtower Society makes a worldwide announcement through all of its publications, assemblies and meetings that on a set date, all Jehovah's Witnesses, baptized or not, we're being offered the liberty to disassociate themselves from the organization -- no strings attached. During this day, letters are written and handed in or mailed stating that whoever was writing it was officially bowing out of the watchtower Society and its doctrinal teachings. From that day on, they were free to pursue a life of their choice in any manner they wish -- to seek God in their heart and find fulfillment and joy in what ever they thought would bring it without repercussion from the Society and all of the usual consequences of being disfellowshipped.

    If God gives us the choice and we truly have free will in life here on earth, then the watchtower should grant the same free will to its members without repercussion and let God sort out the details. God himself did give us free will, but the watchtower does not. Oh yes, you can leave, but you're going to have to deal with your own personal misery in whatever manner your involvement equated to.

    If the watchtower would not grant one day of amnesty, then how about stealing the day for the benefit of those who want out -- to exit and be free from its doctrinal teachings. This would be a most powerful and profound statement to the organization that it sucks and is disliked! Think about this now -- if a mass exodus on one day came upon the entire organization would it not make a statement to the watchtower Society that they are disliked? Would it not tell these controllers that they cannot control people anymore in the name of God?

    Imagine, if you want to leave the watchtower Society, and you can't or won't because you are afraid your wife, your son, daughter, brother, or anyone else that you love will no longer be allowed to associate with you, then they too could exit without the same fear, because I can guarantee you one thing -- many people entertain the thought but just cannot bring themselves to do it for fear of losing the ones they love. But if everyone did this at once, entire families could remain together and stand against the organization together without opposition from anyone! There is nothing to fear in this! Nothing at all!

    I personally see no reason to fear the watchtower, it cannot harm you in any way -- only threaten you and tell you that you are not allowed to associate with certain people. Jesus never said that. God would not want it that way. God does not favor people who hurt others deliberately and call it his command.

    Imagine the damage done to this monster power if a huge chunk of its members dropped away. Imagine the halls of Bethel with only a few left mingling around looking at each other and wondering what just happened! Imagine the flow of money that supports their endeavors being affected to the point that they must find other sources of revenue to keep afloat. Imagine the watchtower Society crumbling like the flimsy structure is. Imagine all of the people who ran from it seeking God in their heart and finding peace for the first time without fear of retribution from a worldly organization whose power is truly false.

    Just some food for thought, when you're ready -- declare that day -- and do it. There is nothing to fear.

  • villabolo

    Crimsonbleu, welcome to the board.

    Unfortunately, during Rutherford's tyranny, the JWs suffered a massive loss in membership(about 75%) and still kept going regardless. Once you reach a critical number of members it is almost impossible to destroy an organization unless very powerful historical forces are involved (Example; The destruction/absorbtion of "pagan" religions by Christianity).


  • CrimsonBleu

    Then with that aside, at least those who walk away are free and they can learn to think for themselves! If entire families walked away, they can still be bonded with love without fear and pursue God in their hearts! They can give Jesus His due attention and focus on His teachings, not Pauls.

    Thank you for the welcome. I have learned alot here, and see I am not so alone after all.

  • rebel8


  • leavingwt

    This is the part where apologists enter to tell you that JWs are free to leave at any time.

  • CrimsonBleu

    Apologists? What is that? I don't mean to appear stupid...

  • villabolo

    CrimsonBleu, an apologist is a person who advocates on behalf of a certain doctrinal matter.

  • wobble

    I think the response would be less dramatic than you think,what you have to take into account is that Dub's are mind-controlled and all the time practise Cognitive Dissonance,they would interpret this as a test of loyalty, and bring in such reasonings as "why should I walk away now ? I can do so at any time !"

    I know there are a small number who have woken up and stay in for friends and family, and they would welcome an amnesty, but I am sure the above applies to the majority.



  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I am in favour of this, but as an anonymous protest. In reality people need to take their own pace when exiting the organization but what I would like to see is a coordinated letter writing campaign where all the mentally free JWs send a symbolic "letter of dissacociation" on the same day to their respective branch offices. I think this would send a strong message.

  • CrimsonBleu

    I understand the Cognitive Dissonance thing, been there.

    You know there are numbers, in the thousands easily, that would be up for this. If a poll could be taken where every JW could put their true heartfelt answers in secret, would they even go that far? The awakened ones might, but I still stand by my original thought...IF it could all be done at once, and everyone move out with th ones they love, then nothing could ever hurt them or threaten them.

    If Jesus showed up on the WT doorstep and ordered WT to shut down....hmmmmm that would be soooo cool. I like to dream....

    Thank you for all your input. Doing something like this is like trying to get employees to strike on the job when they know there is bad crap going down but can't afford to take the risk of losing their jobs.

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