Look! I Am Making All Things New

by betterdaze 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • betterdaze

    Are they actually still placing this brochure? It came out when I was a teenager, and I'm over 40 now!

    Yet I found it tacked up on my supermarket's bulletin board, with a message scrawled:

    Bible Study Aid. Please Take and Read.

    So I did. I took it. I tried to read it, again, and almost barfed from the inside cover, what with all the pics of the printing plants. At the time, that went straight over my head, I was just a teenager and it represented Jehovah's global organization. Yay.

    Now, I see it as a broad stroke of defiance to international income tax laws. I want "Jehovah's" for-profit Watchtower Corporation(s) CRUSHED for tax evasion. YAY!

    Please tell me, they've come up with something else in 20 years, and this is just some "older one" desperate to chart a placement?


  • civicsi00

    Yeah that's a really old one. I'm not sure what is in use now since I stopped going almost 2 years ago.

  • betterdaze

    Snagged a few more pubs over the weeks... They all say "Please Take," so I do! They are duly deposited into the paper recycling bin.

    But there's never any local contact info.

    You would think, IF they really had love for their fellow man and wished to save them from Armageddon, or at least start a "Bible study,"
    they'd write the phone number to the local Kingdom Hall on it.

    What a waste of time, effort, paper. *Sigh*


  • neilr2096

    Does anyone have a copy of this booklet in PDF ?
    Thanks in advance

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