
by rebel8 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Maybe they should be called Janus' Witnesses.

    In what way(s) do you think jws are two-faced?

  • Ohio Nana
    Ohio Nana

    Well sister I was studying with preached about all the virtues of JW's and to follow them etc and turned around in the next breath and told me to lie to husband about going out in service.That is #1 thing he hates about JW's well and the shunning and the fact it is a cult.That is 2 faced to me.Also how they smile at people at the hall and then talk terrible about them while out in service.


  • wobble

    Rebel8,you have a PM.

    This business of being two-faced is strangely the thing that started my Wife questioning the "Troof"

    I had tried to get her to look at all the doctrinal problems,no joy,but the lack of love shown by talking behind peoples backs etc. really started her on her way out!

    I don't care,as long as she comes with me, whatever the reason,I am happy,but what happened to the "Love amongst yourselves" ?



  • PanzerZauberei

    One way is how rank and files jw's are not supposed to say an oath or pledge of allegiance. But it's ok for wbts bigshots to pay allegiance to the country when applying for a passport so they can travel abroad. Nathan Knorr Oath of Allegiance

    Another way is that saluting the flag is idol worship, but they call the Watchtower Society their flag and pay it unreserved loyalty.

    WBTS is their flag

  • rebel8

    OH.MY.GOD. panzer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where did you get that? I thought I had seen every skeleton in the WTS closet--guess not.

  • carla

    What is the oath Knorr signed?

    jw's two faced? is the pope Catholic? Where to start? The approved lying, when they claim they 'love' people and that is the reason for fs yet all the literature plainly talks about 'worldly' people as druzy scum (or other) and we all deserve to die because we don't accept the jw message, when the elders/elderetts/elder children get away with things that others get df'd for, the recent article about the Mennonites shunning family because they became jw's, this list is too damn long and will just piss me off!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Well the MOTHER of all Two Faces is their belonging to the United NATIONS!! They disfellowship people for joining the frickin YMCA to use the POOL but then turn around and join the HARLOT and her BEAST to "use their library???????"

  • rebel8

    bttt--panzer's posts are noteworthy!

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