"Who really is the faithful and discreet s...

by Jonny 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jonny

    Since many of you seem to be negative about the society,
    and refer to the society as "they" instead of "we":

    "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord
    has set over his household, to give them their food in due season?"(Matthew 24:45)

  • TR

    Good question, Jonny.

    Is the faithful slave: Pastor Russell? Studies, vol 1, 1924-27 edition, p.7

    Is it "the whole body of Christ"? WT11/1881 p.291

    Is it the Watch Tower? WT 1/1890 p.1171

    Is it not one individual and not Russell? WT 2/15/1927 p.56

    Is it the Watchtower Society? "Theocratic" pp.249-50

    Is it "spiritual Israel on earth"? WT 7/15/1976 p.443

    Maybe you can help clear this up.


  • SixofNine

    Is it completely mute and impotent save for a handful of men?

    Is it an "it"?

  • TR


    I guess it's important to millions of JW's if they believe in that "handful of men".

    "It" could be a man, a woman, men, or women, or Holy Spirit? Maybe "it" is the bible itself?

  • Pathofthorns

    Hey Jonny. Good to see you are still around.

    You would be mistaken if you yourself used the term "we" with reference to "the Society". You are not "the Society" because the term is used with reference to a legal corporation. Hence the term "it" is appropriate.

    We also generally equate "the Society" with the Governing Body, and while this "technically" is inaccurate, it is probably understood to be this way in most minds of Witnesses. Thus, it could also be accurate to say "they".

    As far as some here being "negative" about the Society, well, there are things that are negative about everything, including the Society. Is it wrong to discuss these in the hopes that one day perhaps it will be better? Or should we hide negative things and pretend they don't exist?

    On most Witness boards you will be considered negative yourself Jonny. Simply because you are open-minded and have questions, you will be labelled "weak". You won't find that here, unless you end up doing that to others yourself.

    Toss out some REAL questions and issues for discussion. You will like this place because we try not to attack the members but endeavour to stick to issues.

    Again, nice to see u here.


  • Naeblis

    The society seems to have taken a very large leap when they proclaim themselves the FDS on the basis of one scripture. I used to badger my mother about this and she used to say, " well if not them then who is it" Wow, now there's some convincing evidence, using this logic I could proclaim myself Superman simply on the basis that you couldn't produce a better candidate. *sigh*

  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    Who really is the faithful and discreet slave. That was the question - who did the Lord send.

    The Bible doesn't answer it's own question, to my knowledge. Then Russell could, and did say, he was.

    A group of old white men (until recently, now a man of "ethnic" background is in. One out of.......) says they are. Have been for almost a century - after Russell was.

    For some reason, there has never been a Faithful & Discreet Woman in the WTBTS organization. A female slave? Well, that's really up to interpretation.

    Over at H20, A Guest thinks she's it. And her reasoning is just as sound as Russell's, imo.

    I guess he/she/it could be anyone who wants to call themselves that. Works? Define. Food? Define. Proof? Define. Culpability? Accountability? That should be part of it to, imo. Definition should be based in realities felt by their followers, not ideals in the leaders/followers imagination. - again, imho.

    I personally think it might be a rhetorical question. Unanswerable in reality. Perhaps that's the way it should be.

    like Jesus's question to apostles in John 6:67, "You do not want to go also, do you? ... Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life."

    Jesus' question was answered by the apostles - with another question. And we have been "guided" to apply this scripture to the WTBTS instead of Jesus for decades. And the WTBTS has taken on this mantle of being in place of Jesus with style and dignity. God's Only Channel to mankind.

    Questions can be used in all sorts of situations - not all searching, or needing, a reality-type answer. I believe jw's want, need, all questions answered, tied up neatly, no pesky loopholes. Black & White. Perhaps it's not that simple.


  • RR

    There are two thoughts about the "faithful and wise slave," as you know some believe it to be one individual. I know of several groups who have their own "faithful slave."

    Years ago, it was thought to be Br. Russell, although contrary to populat opinion, he never claimed such a title, then it became what is today taught by the Society that it refers to the anointed ones.
    Most commentaries teach that this "slave" is the Christian congregation, however the word slave is singular and not plural.

    I believe the "slave" is a special messenger whether [animate or inanimate] his "fellow slaves" are [his] helpers and the domestics or "household," as the King James renders it are Christians in general.

    Thus the Scriptures indicate a chief servant of the truth and his fellow servants, assisting in serving spiritual food to the household of faith [Christians in general]. If neither the "household" or "fellows servants" were mentioned, it might be questionable whether the expression "that servant" referred to one or all faithful servants.

    Each one of the household is to prove all things he accepts as spiritual food, whether he gets it from the Bible himself or from That servant of fellows servants.

    It is interesting that if "that servant" is unfaithful" he will become the evil servant. There are some who believe Jesus is referring to two groups, "that faithful slave" and "that evil slave." But looking carefully, one sees that it should be rendered "and if that servant should say with evil in his heart, the lord delays."

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

  • Frenchy
    It is interesting that if "that servant" is unfaithful" he will become the evil servant. There are some who believe Jesus is referring to two groups, "that faithful slave" and "that evil slave." But looking carefully, one sees that it should be rendered "and if that servant should say with evil in his heart, the lord delays."

    Exactly. I believe this is the key in understanding the nature of the F&DS. It is only after Christ's return that it can be determined who really WAS the F&DS and who was the 'evil' slave.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • RR

    Well, Frenchy, if you believe the Bible Students then he returned in 1874, and since Pastor Russell pointed this out, then he would be the Faithful and wise servant, if you believe in the Watchtower Society, they Jesus returned in 1914 and they are the FDS class. If you believe The Angel of Jehovah Bible and Tract Society then Jesus returned in the year 70 and that would make ALexander Freytag the F&DS.

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

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