Thanks for the font change!

by seek2find 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • seek2find

    Messages are much easier in firefox now. seek2find

  • drwtsn32

    Um, what? Looks exactly the same to me....

  • seek2find

    untill today the fonts were a real light color and hard to read. They are still that way when reading bio's but the text in the main post are nice and crisp, at least using firefox on my PC. seek2find

  • poppers

    I never had that problem with Firefox on my iMac.

  • seek2find

    Poppers: On you mac is the font color the same when reading someones bio as the text of a regular post? On my PC with firefox, the bio font color is grey and the post fonts are Black. Might just be my PC. I use firefox because my family uses the same PC sometimes and they use internet explorer and I dont want them to see my history. We are still divided religiously and I don't want problems over what sites I visit. I keep firefox hidden so it's not easily accesible, except by me. seek2find

  • SnakesInTheTower

    i had the light fonts too and I am on a PC.... glad for the change...

    Snakes ()

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