How do JW's explain the Pyramids?

by LouBelle 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I've honestly forgotten what kind of a response they would have to something like that: ie How did they build the pyramids? & when.

    ** The when part would have been within 6-7000 years ago, considering they believe man has only been around that long.

    ** How? They were closer to perfection and therefore it is reasonable to believe that they could devise ways that we can't today?

    just an interesting thought.

  • slimboyfat

    Hey you stealing one of badboy's future threads?

    What's their answer? History books are wrong I guess. The Bible is right no matter what, same old story. Don't read outside material. Don't lack faith or you're toast.

  • gaiagirl

    I actually had a conversation about this with a JW at work recently. When he said "Humans have only lived on Earth for 6000 years", I asked him when he thought the Flood had taken place, and he replied "Around 4200 years ago".

    So I then asked him to explain why kingdoms which existed in Egypt, Sumeria, India, and China (to name a few) didn't appear to have noticed a global Flood, but went on with business as usual, building temples and pyramids, some of which still exist to this day.

    His answer was kind of evasive..."Uhmm, I may have my dates wrong". Truer words were never spoken.

  • jaguarbass

    I was a JW once in a different life.

    I think the Gaza pyramid may have been a hydrogen power plant.

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