WTBTS view on activities in Second Life?

by gaiagirl 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    Many on this board may participate in the online computer game/visual chat-room simulation known as Second Life, in which you control an avatar which represents yourself, and intereact in real time with other avatars, which are also controlled by actual people.

    What is the WTBTS view on activities in Second Life? Do they have any presence in any "official" capacity in Second Life?

    If a JW sends their avatar to a club, and causes their avatar to become "intoxicated", will the person behind that avatar be called before a judicial committee? Or if a JWs avatar participates in a "virtual" sexual act, would this be of interest to the elders?

    Or, does what happens in Second Life, stay in Second Life?

  • Anti-Christ

    That's funny.

  • GermanXJW

    Penalty can only be the Second Death.

  • besty

    LOL @ GermanXJW

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I asked about this at Yahoo Answers. You should see how rabid some of theses people are! LOL


    And German XJW....I loved it! 2nd death! LOL

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