Julie, see the OTHER possibility

by Derrick 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Derrick

    In another topic, Julie stated a possibly ironic outcome of our quest for everlasting life: "Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out that we get one life, no immortality, and all these people wasted their whole lives fighting about who was right or wrong about the details of an immortality that doesn't exist?"

    In a universe where all things are possible, consider another possible outcome: Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out that a Higher Intelligence exists, is planning an infinite future of good times for humanity, to the awesome delight felt by all these people who spent their whole lives searching for the truth?

    Julie, if you're out there, stop selling yourself short with negative "what if" scenarios. If you must consider the most hopeless outcome for humanity, then allow yourself to see the most wonderful outcome that you wish would come true. Dare to believe that good dreams really come true.

    The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.
    -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt



    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Seeker

    Another possibility: There is a God, and She is royally pissed at all these Christians who go around saying they are the best, and will allow an afterlife for anyone who DIDN'T claim to represent the truth...

    Rick, your idea is fine, and is what you said it was: a wish. Have your wishes, enjoy them, accept them for what they are -- just a wish that children have had since humans developed consciousness. Some grow out of this wish, some do not.

    As for me, I expect absolutely nothing after death. Anything therefore that does happen I will consider a bonus. In the meantime, I'm having a great life, and treating my fellow humans with love and respect. Any God that would deny me life for this is not a God worth worshipping.

  • Julie

    Hi Derrick,

    I thank you for trying to encourage me to think along the lines of what you consider to be positive. You urge me to believe in a Higher Intelligence who plans wonderful things for us humans and I can't help but wonder why this H.I. would have let us humans know such misery in the first place.

    I also wonder, if the H.I. created us was it really for the sole purpose of worshipping this H.I.? Or would it be a more enlightened reason like to learn and grow from our mistakes until we have learned all there really matters and grown to our fullest potential? See now if the answer is the first then I would consider that Being to be an ego-maniac, not a Creature of Enlightenment. If the answer is the second then that would about negate the bible and all it's horrible judgements and punishments for errors.

    As to people who spend their whole lives "searching for the truth", wouldn't it be interesting if indeed there was a judgement day? People who were non-religious but were good people; the kind concerned with the Greater Good, lived and appreciated their lives, made a positive difference while they were here and expected nothing more than the time they were privleged to enjoy on the earth, were the folks rewarded with "an infinite future of good times"? Completing the irony would be for those who were so concerned with getting more than their precious time on earth and knowing and worshipping the Higher Intelligence best so as to insure this "infinite future of good times" to get nothing for being so selfish. I say selfish because if there is a H.I. I should think it would be insulting for us to be less than satisfied with this life and great place in which to live it. How would you feel if someone gave you a fabulous gift and they barely took notice of it cause they were busy anticipating the next one you would give them?

    I see no hopelessness in one lifetime on this earth. There are so many ways to achieve immortality (of sorts) in this world and the ones worth striving for all share the common characteristic of doing the right things for the right reasons. I like to think a Higher Intelligence could understand my reasoning and be unlikely to consider it something worth "punishment" or "eternal death".

    But hey, that's me........


  • DannyBear


    Great response to our warm and fuzzy friend Rick. One statement you made bares repeating;

    *** I say selfish because if there is a H.I. I should think it would be insulting for us to be less than satisfied with this life and great place in which to live it. How would you feel if someone gave you a fabulous gift and they barely took notice of it cause they were busy anticipating the next one you would give them?***

    Excellent thought. JW's by their arrogant posturing on God's 'will' his 'purpose for mankind' really without a doubt, fall prey to insulting and demeaning the very work of God. You would think that if the H.I. was backing them up, he would allow them to get something right, allow them at least the satisfaction of knowing that his spirit or power has guided them, directed their teaching's and prophetic announcements.

    Instead it is the exact opposite, jw's have amassed a record of deceipt and failed efforts, as respects just what their higher power jehovah really is up to. They will never stop trying to impose their (jw) will on him.

    Your comments nailed them.


  • Julie

    Well thank you Danny. The improvement in your reading comprehension has been duly noted.


  • ElijahTheThird

    Then again, as there are many truthes that have come through the Anointed that were in the JW's. What if they were just as "deceived" as the "followers"? What happend to the insight that they were supposededly writing into the GB by letters? What if there really are Anointed that have this "insight"? Where are they now?


  • Farkel

    Great observations, Julie!

    (I think you scared our friend Rick off, though!)


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Xena
    In the meantime, I'm having a great life, and treating my fellow humans with love and respect. Any God that would deny me life for this is not a God worth worshipping.


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