So, why do you really hate the Roman Catholic Church?

by StAnn 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • restrangled


    UMMMM - maybe restrangled overlooked some little trouble that Henry the 8th had with Rome? And, maybe Martin Luther as well? You might have over looked some big trouble Henry had with keeping his pants on and justifying his problem with the RCC.

    Henry 8 had his own issues with marriage, which the RCC at the time would not allow him to get rid of so he conviently had things changed and had two wives beheaded.

    Martin Luther is another story and the start of another religion. He was ex-communicated by the Catholic Church.


  • james_woods

    Indeed, restrangled. I was just remembering that a lot of people in western Europe were already getting pretty sick and tired of Catholic domination, and for a number of years, by the time of the first pilgrims.

    But back on the subject at hand- I really think that both Russell and Rutherford had a definate bee in their bonnett over the Catholics - and that it persists to this day in that many of the JW elite think of them as the "worst of the worst" of Babylon the Great.

  • restrangled

    Disclaimer....R's Hubby (not restrangled)

    I always viewed my JW wifes family tirades against the Catholic church akin to a group of little leagers sitting around boasting that they could actually match up against the NY Yankees.

    The Catholic church is one of, and more likely the world's largest deliverer of health care, social services and education.

    R's Hubby

  • james_woods

    Very funny, but very true, R's Hubby.

    What is also so pathetic is that the JW themselves heavily depend on Catholic groundwork for even preserving the bible, establishing the canon they use to this day, and pretty much keeping western written language, the base christian religion, and European society together through the little ice age, the black plague, and all the rest.

    I really think that a major part of their rejection of the cross comes from anti-Catholic sentiment - specifically: their love for the old Alexander Hislop book "The two Babylons" which is basically an anti-catholic rant that claims the Catholic Church is the modern Babylon, and that everything they do is pagan. It was he, not the WTS, that started the torture stake idea in the first place, and they used to quote freely from this book.

  • besty

    Because of their idolatrous affiliation with Celtic Football Club - easily the most despicable aspect of Catholicism

  • JimmyPage

    I can't hate the Catholic Church. I dated a Catholic girl and her family was incredibly nice to me.

  • BabaYaga

    I don't hate Catholics or their church.

    I admit that I am still dumbfounded when friends who have never been one convert to Catholicism, but the Catholic church does have beautiful rituals, and I think we are sadly ritual-starved in this civilization.

    I think that the Catholic church has done VERY well to grow with its parishioners, to outgrow the old "burn everyone at the stake" mentality, and I think it is hugely commendable that most Catholics take what the Pope says with a grain of salt. Most, that is. Some are seriously damaged by the insane Patriarchal mandates.

    Sorry, but I have to say it, "Some of my best friends are Catholics."


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I neither like nor dislike the Catholic Church. In fact my daughter sometimes goes to their Sunday service (not Mass, whatever they call their "talk" .. is it sermon? I don't know).

    I do have some issues with them regarding their coverup of pedophile priests. Other than that, they're pretty much the same franchise as any other religion. It's like telling the difference between McDonald's and Burger King.

  • GentlyFeral

    When I was a good little dubbie, I was as Catholic-phobic as the rest of them. When I woke up and questioned everything I believed – and heard about people like Dorothy Day and Sister Helen Prejean – that had to go away

    I only have three problems with the Catholic church, as distinct from the Catholic people I know:

    • Papal infallibility. I've spent way too many years handing my conscience over to others to come within a country mile of ever doing that again.

    • One True Religion – not unique to the RCC, I know :)

    • Top-heavy bureaucracy. But this is a superficial impression; I haven't looked at the situation very closely.

    • I really think celibacy should be optional for clergy and religious (nuns and monks). So, for that matter, should heterosexuality. Too many spiritually gifted people are locked out of the life they were made for because of this – and the church also loses out.

    gently feral

  • jamiebowers

    I don't hate the Catholic Church, but I have some problems with it. Things may have changed, but years ago when my Catholic aunt divorced her Catholic husband for f*****g anything in a skirt, she remarried another Catholic. When they had their first child together, the priest refused to baptize her, saying she was a bastard in the eyes of God. Well, when the mother in law found out, she raised holy hell and threatened to discontinue her generous contributions to the church. That poor baby was practically drowned in holy water the very next day. Their second child dropped out of cathicism (sp?) class after the nun said that divorced people were going to hell. That kind of stuff leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but the Catholic Church probably isn't any worse than any other religion.

    Gary Buss: You wrote: everything I had been told about the RCC by the WTS was a lieSame goes for me. In fact, everything I was told about virtually everything by my parents, the Witnesses, and (most of) what I was taught in school was either a lie or was simply wrong. I kept the multiplication tables and I started from scratch with most everything else.

    Everyone of your posts cracks me up!

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