The Strongest Argument Against British Sketch Comedy.

by Preston 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Preston

    I watched "The Meaning of Life" not too long ago because I had watched most of the other MP films and came to the scene in the film that... I dunno can't describe. Most people here in United States don't like British Sketch comedy because it is a "different" kind of humor but I think this was done with the intent of confusing us.

    And ever since then I'm still wondering where that damn fish is.

    - Preston

  • Hope4Others


    I think I'd have to go and watch the rest of them that go along with this to get it......

    Strangest damn thing I ever saw...


  • BabaYaga

    I absolutely love and quote that sketch.

    ...does that mean I can't be in your club?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The Meaning of Life didn't work for me. I thought it was drawn out, tedious and, in spots, boring. I preferred "Life of Bryan" and "The Holy Grail" which were, in my poor opinion, tighter, more focused, hit the comedic beat and moved on without losing the overall theme. I thought by the time of "Meaning of Life" the Pythons had kind of said what they had to say as a troupe. I think by 1983, they needed to move on. And they did.


  • DanTheMan

    I can't remember if it was Family Guy or The Simpsons, but one of them had a recent gag where somebody was forced to watch all the unfunny MP sketches as a form of torture or something. I said to meself "spot on and thank you for recognising that a bloody good lot of it was shite.".

  • SirNose586
    I can't remember if it was Family Guy or The Simpsons, but one of them had a recent gag where somebody was forced to watch all the unfunny MP sketches as a form of torture or something.

    Family Guy. Meg was forced to watch.

    Yeah...I'm all for giving British or Canadian sketch comedy a go, but forgive me and my lowbrow American humor, but some of your jokes just go right over my head.

  • Preston

    I thought their shows bested their cinematic material BigTex,

    However, even though they aren't MP films per se, my favorites with those actors are Time Bandits and A Fish Called Wanda.

    - Preston

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