No Heart in Science? No Mind in Religion?

by Asheron 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Asheron

    As an atheist and humanist and an Ex JDub I have been involved in many conversations with theists (both here and in RL) about the primary differences between our worldviews. While the belief vs evidence debate will never end, I am always confused and hurt by the occasional implication that because I use the scientific principle to form my world view I somehow lack wonder, feelings or "heart". On the other side of the coin I am always angered when someone with a theist world view is accused of being a non-thinker or somehow lacking intelligence.

    I came across a talk on TED that moved me to post a link. I think that Jill Bolte Taylor's experience has taught me a little bit about why the differences exist and maybe insight into how we can move closer together. me its worth a view.

  • yknot

    She presents a very interesting experience via her stroke......and I thank you for sharing the link!

    Individual versus member of the community......All equal in Christ versus 'anointed'......In many ways this could be interpreted on the political stage as national interests or global.

    A bit humanistic.....


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