Do you Blog?

by Princess Daisy Boo 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    I am in the process of creating a blog... not sure if it is a waste of time or a hobby in the making.

    So, do you blog?

  • RR

    Yep, I had several blogs, I had one of the witnesses, then I had one regarding religion, then I had one about life in New Jersey and working for the Postal Service. All are inactive at the moment! Very time consuming!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Only if I have enough fibre in my diet...but sometimes not for afew days!

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Thanks RR - I guess it is all about how much you put into it!

    lol at Witness 007

  • joannadandy

    Yes - but only for fun, to vent, and keep in touch with my friends.

  • LouBelle

    Nope - I don't have the time, but neither do I want too. I don't have too much frustration in life so no reason to vent. Don't see why I should regurgitate my life on the net for for JWD

    A friend of mine does - gets hectically involved with a few people, they've started encroaching on her real life - now she's all up to fly off to meet them and buy gifts and meet for dinner and drag me along under the pretence of a holiday - I said no - not my cuppa tea.

  • DonutsToGo

    Yes ...

    Had a couple of semi-private Blogs where I wrote about things that were going on in my life and work. Gradually, I began to write more and more about my spiritual life. I got in a little bit of trouble this way. I didn't know it at first but an elder in my congregation was printing off and copying all of my blog entries in order to bring an apostasy charge against me. When I found out about this I took that blog off-line and moved to another one; but, the snooping elder found that one too.

    Eventually, I was disfellowshipped. Although, they were no longer online, this elder took some of my blog entries about my work that he still had copies of and used them to stir up trouble at with the company I was working for.

    I still blog pretty regularly but I'm not enthusiastic about putting my personal information on the Internet. I learned that even if you are putting something up for family & friends, that it can still come back to bite you. These days I typically only write about Christian spirituality and related topics. I generally try to write something new every Sunday - but sometimes fall out of this habit.

  • Nosferatu

    Yes I do! However, I'm not vomitting my feelings into it. It's generally about unusual and interesting things I find in thrift stores, garage sales, or in the trash. ...and the occasional piece of junk mail I send back. Oh yeah, I've also got my own youtube videos and music reviews. My video of the floppy drive playing music is probably my most popular. Second runner up is an old guy singing on Public Access TV.

  • badboy


  • NanaR

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