Hello everyone,
Bethelites are not free labor as we think. He does pay his way. Most are unskilled when they first go to Bethel. Let’s say they are paid $8.00 per hour for their labor. The following list is a guestamated money amount that it cost the WTS to take care of one person.
Rent----------------$800.00 per month
Telephone---------$20.00 per month
Water--------------$20.00 per month
Maid Service-----$40.00 per week
Laundry-----------$15.00 per week
Meals--------------$15.00 per day (Restaurants)
Electric Service--$100.00 per month
Health Insur. ----$77.00 per month
Allowance---------$100.00 per month
$1,187.00 per month
They work at least 40 hours per week. Multiply that by $8.00 per hour=$1,280.00 per month. The average Bethel worker would have to pay around that amount to survive on the outside, but without benefits.
These numbers are only rough estimates, but they give a person the picture that the Bethelites are not on a permanent vacation.
And who provide the funds for all of this?