Reefer Madness? Nah, try Energy Drink Madness

by Octarine Prince 6 Replies latest social current

  • Octarine Prince
  • SirNose586

    Yeah, I knew that stuff messed with your heart. Furthermore, I'm not doing anymore Jägerblasts, for the reasons mentioned above.

  • james_woods

    OK - Mormon question:

    If Mormons cannot drink coffee or tea (I guess because of the caffeine) - is Red Bull, Mountain Dew, etc. also off their diet list?

  • BabaYaga

    Absolutely. No caffeine sodas, either. Yes, the abstinence is a caffeine issue.

  • sir82
    Absolutely. No caffeine sodas, either. Yes, the abstinence is a caffeine issue.

    Are you sure?

    I read somewhere that the actual prohibition is against "hot drinks" (don't ask me to explain, I have no idea why).

    So, no coffee, no tea, etc. So most people think their prohibition is "no caffeine", but that's not really the case. I think they can drink Coke, etc.

    Any ex-Mormons out there?

  • BabaYaga

    Well I knew that my Mormon friends could not drink caffeinated sodas, nor could they have chocolate.

    According to this article, it has become a conscience matter, and a "once in a while" is okay for some:

  • VoidEater

    My partner, a "lapsed" Mormon, says that caffeine is a drug and therefore not to be used.

    My best friend in College was a Mormon; he consistently said that caffeine is a drug and must be avoided to be doing the right thing, but that of course not eveyone followed the letter of the law.

    So the Mormons I have known well have agreed that caffeine is the issue.

    The Word of Wisdom speaks against (among other things) "hot drinks", and suppsedly this was specifically equated to coffee and tea by Joseph Smith. There has been much debate whether the issue was the addictive caffeine in these or the temperature of liquids to be avoided.

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