Big News About "Knocking" on Youtube!

by DT 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DT

    I think I uncovered an important development in the "Knocking"/Youtube controversy. A few days ago I was reviewing the Knocking excerpts on Youtube and paying attention to their viewer stats and whether they allowed comments. None of the videos I saw were allowing comments. There were several videos posted by knockingdocumentary. Independent Lens also had a short excerpt and PBS had what what appeared to be the same clip posted. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I seem to recall that one of the short clips form either PBS or Independent Lens had over 160,000 views and that the other also had high viewer stats. I don't believe either were allowing comments.

    I checked the videos again today. Here are the links. 360 views, 9 comments, posted by Independent Lens 4042 views, 27 comments, posted by PBS

    I wish I better understood how Youtube works. It appears they replaced old comments. The viewer stats went way down, but I don't know if these videos have the same links as before. It almost looks like they reset them to an earlier date. They do appear to be further down in the search results.

    The videos posted by knockingdocumentary appear unchanged and are still not allowing comments.

    There are a lot of questions. I invite your thoughts. I wonder if PBS and Independent Lens observed the controversy about Knocking's legal threats and decided it was a bad idea to not allow comments on a controversial film that is accused of being very biased. If so, I commend them. I think they made the right decision. Knockingdirector has the right to not allow comments. However, it speaks very poorly for their objectivity and their willingness to allow the public to hear all the facts.

    I don't recommend flooding these videos with comments, because that will only increase their popularity, but it would be good to make sure that critical opinions are properly represented.

    I noticed something else. On another thread, Knocking responded to an email by saying they don't approve of anyone using their footage without permission and that they send cease and desist orders to both JWs and nonJWs. I found a Youtube user named Paulayahoo. She appears to be a Jehovah's Witness and has numerous proJW videos on her channel, including these videos that are copied from the Knocking documentary or special features.

    These are not three second fair use clips for the purpose of commentary or criticism. They are several minutes long without commentary. It might be good for some of us to email the Knocking directors and find out if this user has permission to use these clips. Their email address is at this link. (I'm sorry, but I have reasons to not correspond with them at this time.) If they didn't grant permission, it would be only fair for them to send that user a cease and desist notice. That is supposedly their policy. If they granted permission, it makes them look bad for allowing them this extensive use of copyrighted material while issuing legal threats against a critic who used three seconds of footage in a manner that may be fair use. It might be their right to have this contradictory stand, but, once again, it would speak poorly for their fairness.

  • Layla33

    Can you set up a corporation where your identity is not automatically known or have someone speak on your behalf that you trust?

    It's all very interesting and I do believe that there is more going on behind the scenes. Go with your first instinct, I think all of this can be traced back to the person that started contacting you about your video and your thoughts. Have you considered a consultation with a Intellectual Property Lawyer? I definitely think the WTS is involved, but I will try to help when I get home.

  • sf

    Pauloyahoo IS/owns {ONE OF WTBTS' OFFICIAL WEBSITE} as indicted on his youtube profile:

    I'm sure it is why he/it is not bothered.


  • DT

    Is that channel operated by the Watchtower Society, or did the Youtube user just decide to link to an official JW site?

  • DT

    I thought I would better clarify why I think this is important. Uploading new Watchtower Comments videos will be damaging because they will have to start over with new links, viewer, stats etc. However, it appears that some of the "Knocking" promotional videos have also taken a hit. This will hurt them in search results and popularity. Furthermore, they are less valuable for promotion because they allow comments, some of which will be critical of the film's omissions and distortions.

    The legal threats from "Knocking" are frustrating because it's not practical to fight them. It's more practical to edit the videos and suffer the loss of the original links, comments, etc. However, practical considerations go both ways. The people who make money from "Knocking" will also be hurt by this negative publicity. I'm thankful to JWD for providing a good forum to discuss this. Some of these threads about Knocking's legal threats are already doing well in search results and will probably help counteract that propaganda piece for a long time in the future. The promotional videos on the knockingdirector channel are still preventing comments, but this won't stop people from being exposed to criticism of the film. Hopefully, this will be a lesson for those who may be tempted to make frivolous copyright challenges in the future.

    Here are some of the other threads on this topic.

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