Memorial Bread Recipe

by yknot 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Memorial Bread:

    Dissolve 1 cake of yeast (or 3 packets of dry yeast) in 4 cups [1 L] of warm water

    Stirin 5 cups [600 g] of flour (whole wheat or white)

    Letrise to double its size in a warm place

    Add 2 teaspoons [10 g] of salt, 1/2 cup of sugar [100g], 1/2 cup [115 g] of vegetable shortening


    Add about 4 more cups [480 g] of flour to firm up the dough

    Knead on floured surface for 15 minutes

    Letrise in greased bowl to double its size

    Knead lightly, and shape into four loaves

    Letrise for a few minutes in greased bread pans

    Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit [163°C.] for one hour

    Of course you can substitue gluten free flour and apple sauce for shortening (not like Christ had Crisco)

    Enjoy with a nice glass of Red Wine

  • B_Deserter

    I'm not sure this is real. It's supposed to be "unleavened" bread, or bread made without yeast.

  • B_Deserter

    I'm not sure this is real. It's supposed to be "unleavened" bread, or bread made without yeast.

  • ninja

    you forgot the lecithin

  • yknot

    OOPs wrong bread recipe .....found it in the pubs/ too funny

    Lets try this one:

    -------- ------------ --------------------------------
    2 Cups flour -- * (approximately)
    1 Cup spring water -- (approximately)

    * (preferably freshly ground with the coarsest bran sifted out; either hard whole wheat flour or spelt flour)

    You will need a medium sized bowl, a rolling pin, a fork, or a metal comb or other utensil for making holes in the breads, and quarry tiles to fit on the rack of the oven or one or two baking sheets.

    Place tiles or baking sheets on the bottom rack of the oven and preheat oven to 425=B0F.

    When the oven is hot place 2 cups flour in a medium sized bowl and stir in water until a kneadable dough forms; you may have to ass a little more flour or water, depending on your flours. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead very quickly and vigorously until smooth, about 3 to 4 minutes. (Although you are trying to get the dough into the oven quickly, the time spent kneading is important, as it makes the dough easier to roll out very thin.) Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces and flatten with lightly floured hands.

    Work with one piece of dough at a time, keeping the others covered with plastic wrap. On a lightly floured surface roll out one piece of dough as thin as possible. Prick it all over with a fork or or a sharp toothed comb, and then try to stretch it slightly to widen the holes you have made. Transfer to the quarry tiles or baking sheet, placing it to one side to leave room for more breads and bake for 2 and 1/2 to 3 minutes, until golden on the bottom and starting to crisp around the pricked holes.

    Meanwhile, continue rolling out the dough, placing each bread in the oven as it is ready. If you are working with a partner, one should roll out the dough while the other pricks, stretches and bakes the breads. This will be much easier to get the breads baked in time. If your oven is small, you may not be able to fit in enough breads at once to get them done in time. If so, you can bake some of the breads on the your stove top in a dry skillet, to get them all started baking within the 18 minute time limit.

    For a traditional crisp, dried matzoh, leave the breads out on a rack to cool completely and to dry.

    With the small amount of dough this recipe makes, you can get all the breads into the oven if not completely baked) in less than eighteen minutes from when we first add water to the flour. the recipe assumes that you wish to make matzoh within the time limit; without a large commercial oven, and several helping hands for the rolling out, you must begin with a small amount of dough to get all the breads done in time. To make more, make the recipe again a second time. If you aren't worried about complying with the time limit, you can bake in larger batches.

    Makes 12 thin breads approximately 8" in diameter.


    Matzo is the unleavened bread made from flour and water with no salt, no oil, and - most important, no yeast. It is eaten during Passover to commemorate the haste with which the Jewish people fled Egypt. During Passover no yeast or yeasted products may be eaten. In religiosly observant households, the house is thoroughly cleaned and swept, and all old flour, biscuits and other unleavened products are discarded.

    Matzoh must be made quickly and with clean flour in order to prevent naturally occuring yeasts from making the breads rise. The Shulchan Aruch, a sixteenth-century codification of Jewish law, requires that no more than eighteen minutes should elapse. In order to get everything done within the time limit, many hands are needed to roll out the breads and get them cooked, and only small batches can be made at a time.

    - - -


  • hamsterbait

    Aren't you forgetting the CYANIDE to kill those presumptuous enough to think they don't HAVE to reject Jesus along with all the other suckers??

    JOHN 6:54. In NWT Jesus says EVERLASTING life. According to the Witchtower, the annointed get ETERNAL life. The Great Crowd get EVERLASTING life. By this slip, the cult gives away its own game.

    I can't check the references, but by the WTBTS own words, the other sheep need to take the emblems to get everlasting life.


  • NewYork44M

    I think there is a recipe in the Awake or Wt. I remember when my kids were little we made the unlevened bread as a family project to teach the kids about the memorial.

    I was such a good christian parent.

  • Hortensia

    This is a perfect example of how religious maniacs create unnecessary rules to make life difficult for the believer. Mixed, kneaded and baked in less than 18 minutes. What a load of shit. I wonder why people put up with that crap. I actually had a devout Jewish person tell me that he tore off his toilet paper and made little stacks of it before sundown on Friday so as to avoid "work" on the Sabbath. Concentrating more on following some idiot's Jesuitical rules instead of focusing on being a righteous person.

  • Hope4Others

    A little salsa or guacamole might help get it down!


  • WTWizard

    I found it quite simple to bake a mixture of organic stone-ground whole wheat and water, mixed into a paste and broken into golf-ball sized pieces. You flatten them and bake. I tried that, and they came out better than the crackers in the Kingdumb Hell.

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