a witness came to my door and gave me this book......

by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95

    a witness born same year came to my door and we had a short discussion....... he went through the "generation" era just like i did....... he gave me a new publication and asked me to read it then when he would come back we could swap questions.......... the book is " what does the bible really teach "

    i was wondering if you guys knew anything about this book and weather there is anything in it i could point out...... i will do my own personal study and hope to fine "some gold nuggets" but if anyone has made a discovery please let me know ...... please ?

    kind regards

    benjamin !!!!

  • real one
    real one

    yeah, bring up the blood issue with them on page 131. ask them to explain it to you,then tell them that jw take blood fractions which come from blood. ask them if they eat meat because if they do you cant cook all the blood out of the meat. ask them if they drink milk and if they do tell them there is a lot of blood in cow's milk that cannot be removed. tell them that a blood transfusion is not eating blood because if you get a blood transfusion and no food you will die. food nourishes the body it keeps you alive. blood sustains life in that if you dont have enough you will die but it will not nourish you as food does. if they bring up acts 21:25 tell them that verse is talking about animals used for idol sacrafice that have been strangled. we are not under the law anymore so if they take you to Lev. tell them isnt that the law.

    these are just some facts if you dont already know them but use tem as you wish..also if they offer you a Bible study agree to study with them if you have time but under 2 conditions

    1 use your own Bible not the nwt

    2 use only the Bible not their aids

  • StAnn

    Here's an excellent article that covers this book, written by an ex-JW, called "Jehovah's Witnesses--Do they teach what the Bible really teaches? A Critical Evaluation of the Watchtower's Book, What Does The Bible Really Teach?"


  • R.Crusoe

    Ask him about the Jesus facts and how they parallel with those of Joseph in the OT and how Josephs parallel with ancient egyptian gods from when the Israelites were in Egypt and whether there is a chance thats where they got the idea?


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